Status: This is a Contest Entry(:

It's Up to You and Me

Chapter 1

I walked into my house. It was silent. Just as it normally is. I hate it. My mom is never home because she has to work so much to support me since it's just us. I wish that I wasn't here alone, I wish my dad was here, but I know that isn't going to happen, he's remarried, and has a kid on the way. A kid that's not me.

I finally just turned on the radio so that it wasn't so quiet. Then I decided to do my homework, since I had so much. I was about half way done with I got a text from my best friend, Ryan. He wanted to know if I wanted to hang out and play some COD. I told him I couldn't because I had a lot of homework.

Which was only partly true. If i wanted to I could go over there, but I don't want to. I can't stand seeing such a happy family, they are so normal.

I finally finished my homework and it was 6:30. I was going to make dinner, like I did almost every night. I went into the kitchen to see what I would make. I decided to make Chicken and Potatoes.

Once I got everything in the oven, I decided to sit and watch TV for a little while, my favorite show, Smallville, was on. I watched it for about an hour until the timer went off in the kitchen. I pulled the food out of the oven to cool and I set the table.

After I did everything it was already 8 PM. My mom was normally back by 7:30, if she wasn't she was working late.

I sat down at the table, I guess I was eating alone tonight. I ate, then I grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom to take a shower, after that I went and changed into my PJ's...well boxers, and brushed my teeth.

I went to my room and layed down in my bed, thinking about how boring my life was, finally I drifted off to sleep.

It wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare. It was the last time I saw my dad.

"Justin, I wanna tell you something," my dad said to me.

"Are you coming home?" I asked excitedly. I always hoped he would.

"No, Justin, I'm getting married...and moving"

I took me a second to realize what he said. "Wait...What?"

"Erin and I are getting married, and we're moving, I'm sorry." He said. "This is for the best."

What ran through my head was 'then why am I in tears?'

"So far away, I just need you here."

"I'm sorry Justin, I'm sorry." And he walked away.

I woke up as soon as it ended. I couldn't stand this nightmare, it happened 2 years ago and it still haunts me.

I looked at my clock it was only 6 AM. Who gets up this early on a Saturday, especially in the summer? So I decided to go back to sleep.

When I woke up again it was 9. I got up and saw my mom had already gone to work. I go and and eat some captain crunch. After that I went and brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I couldn't stand saying here all day by myself, so I decided to go to starbucks.

I walked into starbucks and ordered what I wanted, and sat down with my drink. I had been sitting there for about 15 minutes when all of a sudden I felt someone tap on my shoulder then I turned.

"Hi?" I questioned, looking up at a girl with brown curly hair and a great smile.

"Hi, I'm Grace. I saw you sitting alone...can I sit here?"

She made my heart skip a beat. "Of Course, oh, and I'm Justin."

We started talking. She was really nice. After a while we decided to go to the park, she was sitting on the swing and I was pushing her, we were asking eachother questions, it was her turn.

"What are your parent's like?"

" mom works a lot...and my dad, well I haven't seen him in 2 years, he got remarried and moved." I replied slowly.

"Oh, I'm sorry that must be hard for you."

"Yeah, it is, he was never really around."

We kept talking, and walking around, until we realized the sun was setting, it was already 7:30. I walked her to house which was only 2 streets away from me. We hugged and then I walked back to my house.

I walked in smiling, Grace and I made plans for tomorrow to hang out again. I was excited.

"What are you smiling about?" My mom said curiously.

"Your home!" I said happily.

"Yes, now tell me why your so happy," my mom asked again.

"Oh, I met this girl, Grace, we had a fun day." I said smiling, thinking about it.

"AW! Justin has a crush!"

I blushed. "No I don't!"

"Whatever you want Hun. I'm going to go make dinner."

That night I fell asleep thinking about Grace, maybe my mom is right, I do have a crush on her.


Grace and I have spent all of the summer so far together, I really like her now.

I pulled up to Graces house, I finally have my license. We were going to Starbucks, and I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend.

We pulled up to Starbucks and we sat in the table we met at. We talking for awhile, just like normal, until I decide to change that.

"Grace...can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Justin!" She said smiling like she always does.

"I was wondering, would you be my girlfriend?"

"Really?" her smiling getting even brighter, I didn't think that was possible.

"Really." I said smiling to.

"Of course, I'd love to be Justin!"

Then I leaned in and kissed her lips for a couple seconds. When I pulled away she smiled and blushed.

"I just really hope this works out," I said, I've never really felt safe with relationships because I just feel like they are going to end up like my parents, I've told her this before though.

"It's up to you and me."
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel like this is not a very good story:/ This was the first Writing Contest I entered, and it was the last one that I actually wrote:PP haha Well at least for now! This wasn't a very easy song to write about....I hope you like it! Comment Please(:
