Happy MCR Day


-Frank's POV-

I giggled loudly as Gerard chased me around the bus,
trying to tickle me until I couldn't breathe,
damn these smoker lungs!

I was soon falling fast to the floor,
my eyes growing wide as I let out an, oomf!

Gerard sat ontop of my lower back reaching his creepy,
long fingers to playfully attack my sides.
I gasped for air but my lungs contracted with laughter.

Mikey walked into the room,
his skeleton like fingers curled around a mug.
A smile planted on his face.

"Happy MCR day guys!"

The room erupted in cheers.
Even little me, who was choking for air.

Gerard jumped up and onto the couch
where he bounced around like a child.
Looks like someone had to much coffee this morning,
not that I minded.

It didn't really matter if I was married because,
I had a terrible crush on Gerard.
And it nagged me every second of the day.
Not a moment passed that I wasn't thinking of him.


I turned just in time to see Mikey
pounce and smack his forehead on the armrest
from where Gerard had leaped,
of course landing on poor me.

"OOMF! Damnit Gerard why do you keep doing that!"
I wheezed.

He giggled and replied with,
"Just 'cause Frankiebear!"

Mikey lifted himself up, showing off a large red mark on his forehead.
He crossed his arms and pouted angrily.
Mumbling to himself, he made his way to the bathroom.

It began to settles down in the room
and Ray nor Gerard could have that,
so Ray and his large afro thought it
would be funny to say something sexual.

"So.. Gerard, does Frank bottom?"

"What the fuck!?"
I shreiked at him.

Gerard being himself giggled at the question.
"Well it depends, I top most of the time,
but sometimes you just can't beat the feeling of Frank's cock up your-"

"AHHHSTOP PLEASE STOP! I'm so sorry I asked!"
He pet his 'fro and muttered calming things,
sometimes I think his 'fro is alive.
I swear I just saw it move.

I smiled and looked up at Gerard,
who grinned widely.
"So I bottom huh?"

Gerard flipped me over onto my stomach and proceeded to dry hump my back.
Managing to give me a raging boner,
which was currently probably making a dent in the hardwood.
With just my luck I looked up just in time to see Mikey take a few steps out of the bathroom, watch Gerard hump me, and Ray pet his afro,
before turning around and heading back into the bathroom closing the door and hearing the click of the lock.
I giggled loudly.

"Does that answer your question

"Maybe." I smiled and jumped backwards so
Gerard was on his ass and I was in his lap.

"I don't want to watch you guys try new sex positions please!"
Ray begged.

"Fine!" Gerard pouted and got up unwillingly,
making me very angry at Ray and his fucking afro.

"We'll do this somewhere else!"
He giggled and picked me up bridal style,
running off to the bunks.
He threw me onto his and jumped onto me.

"Fudgepackers!" Ray yelled.

Gerard ignored him and laid so that our chests were pressed together.
"You know what we haven't done in a long time Frankie?"

I was about to question him but it was worthless since Gerard had already pressed his lips to mine. And of course I kissed him back,
because this is what I've wanted.

"So we JUST go back on tour and
you guys are already all over eachother? That was quick."

Our lips detatched and I looked to see a grinning Bob.

Gerard and I both wriggled out of bed to hug Bob.

"Bob I thought you'd never come back!"
I cried.

"Bobcam always comes back."
He smiled and gave us both a bear hug.
It only took me another second to realize he was filming.

"Bobcam!" Gerard scolded playfully.

"Why'd you leave?"

"My secret cat cave was under attack."
He answered very seriously.
"I went to war, damn dogs..."

I tried to gather all that as a joke but for some reason I just couldn't.

"But none of that matters because I'm back!"

Gerard and I smiled and agreed to ask another day.

Bob pulled away and waved
as he went to go pay a visit to Torosaurus.

Gerard and I somehow ended up standing in the door way hugging.
If you could call it hugging, it was full on cuddling.
I leaned against the frame as he pushed himself to me,
keeping his arms wrapped around my torso and his face nuzzled in my neck. I pulled my legs around his and held him up to me, e
njoying every second of this.

I was startled when Mikey ran over loudly rambling about how our first show was in a couple minutes.
Meaning that Gerard and I would have to seperate.
I heard him groan as he pulled away but wrapped an arm sound my waist, pulling me along towards the stage as
Mikey skipped infront of us and Ray blabbed animatedly
about his afro to an all ears Bob.
The night air was settling in while the moon took it's place in the sky.
And I let my head rest on Gerard's shoulder.

Once backstage all the excitment
from the crowd had already rubbed off on us
and we were excited to get back onstage where we belonged.
Everyone high fived and got their
instruments while Gerard practiced his voice.

I was last to walk on stage,
where my fellow band mates heads seperated to their places around the stage and opening my vision to the crowds of people
waiting for us. The stage lights blinded me and I smiled,
because this is where it all begun.

Most of that night was a blur,
but I'd never forget that kiss.

Happy MCR Day
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I think this is cute....(:
But I guess that's up to you guys, I hope you like it! <3
Now go read the epilouge.