Status: Woot! Completed and happy. ^^


First Relief

They were friends. They were friends. Nessa had to keep reminding herself that they were friends. The exact reason for that was unknown, but all she knew was that she wasn't sure how to act around him at all. They were both on new ground, that was for sure, but Rhone had seemed to find his footing almost immediately whereas she was fumbling around trying to find hers. It was just weird. He was as happy as a pig in shit even when they argued while she was nervous and a little agitated. It was more than a little bothersome and now that it was the last day on the island, and school started tomorrow, Nessa was thinking it was all just a little too perfect.
But Rhone felt the exact opposite. Rhone was giddy even as he stuffed things haphazardly into his suitcases. He'd never packed one before, but he didn't care. He actually wanted to this time. And in the middle of the day! Instead of enjoying the sun and beach, he was having just as much fun trying to figure out how to fit everything in such a small space. How his maids did it so easily was beyond him, but that was something he could as about later.
He sighed in relief when the case zipped shut, bulging out here or there. As he sat on the bed, Rhone wondered how the day--hell, the week could get any better. He hadn't laughed so hard, argued so much or enjoyed someone else's company like this in his whole life. He didn't want it to end, but he was also eager to get back home and prove to Nessa that he had changed. And that she loved him. For now, he wanted to take Nessa on one last walk.


Nessa sighed, trying to make heads or tails of anything. She was almost positive that she'd figured out something monumental, but she was trying her best to ignore it. The walk she and Rhone had just taken had been beautiful and enlightening. It had made her remember why she had been so attracted to Rhone in the first place. He had a weird sort of magnetism about him that just made her insides swim in delight.
It was different than what she had had with Shade. Completely different. She had felt something with Shade, of course, but Nessa had known that it wouldn't go beyond like for her. It hadn't been fair to Shade in the least, but she had been so slow in figuring all of that out. Now things were awkward as hell between them. She was going to have to fix that when she got back. That is, if he had really been serious about staying friends and would let her.
And then there was her mom. . . After so many years of waiting for her, she shows up as if nothing is wrong and turns out to be a walking confirmation for all of Nessa's Aunt's slandering.
Jay had disappeared, too. She hadn't a clue as to where he had gone. That in itself was worrisome.
But Rhone. . . Rhone was a different matter altogether. There really hadn't been anything specifically life-changing that had happened on the walk. Nessa had just looked at him and everything hit her all at once with one single thought:
If Rhone acted like this all the time, it would be so easy to fall in love with him.
The thought had freaked her out in more ways than one because she had immediately followed it up with the thought that maybe she was already in love with him. After all, why else would she let him keep getting away with everything he had? Why would she keep giving him chance after chance to be the guy she knew he could be? The guy she saw here on the island or earlier at the carnival.
Nessa sank further into her bath, trying to relax before they had to leave in a few hours. What was she going to do about Rhone? He was charming, gorgeous and talented. It was hard to remember his faults when he was being funny and sweet. It was also hard not to respond to him when it was so obvious that he liked her. It left her in unfamiliar territory. She was tired of the drama of a relationship, but, here she was, starting to be interested in Rhone. Her husband.
A loud bang interrupted her thoughts, making Nessa sit up abruptly, bubbles and water splashing. There was crashing, stomping and the shouting of a female voice. Not just any female voice, though; Kylie's.
Nessa was reaching for a towel when her bathroom door slammed open, colliding hard with the wall and bouncing off. A fuming Kylie stood on the other side, Rhone behind her looking just as pissed. Nessa covered herself with bubbles.
"Why is she here?!" Kylie screeched, turning on Rhone with a red face. Nessa could ask the same thing.
"What do you mean 'why'?" Rhone snapped. "I invited her, unlike you. Why did you follow me? Leave. Now."
Kylie stomped her foot. "And I suppose you're just going to go back to town like nothing ever happened and be the perfect little married couple. Well, I won't have it! This honeymoon is over."
"Honeymoon?" Nessa asked, looking at Rhone. He just shook his head, just as confused. "What honeymoon?"
"This one!" Kylie screamed. Nessa thought she was going to bust a vein. "Everyone said that's where you were."
"Everyone?" Nessa asked sharply, suspicion curling in her.
"Yeah, everyone," Kylie went on, flopping onto the toilet. "You're the talk of the town. Everyone knows you two are married now and they all think this is your honeymoon. I'm being labeled as some sort of home-wrecker because Rhone loves me instead of you."
"I don't love you," Rhone put in. "I barely even like you."
"I mean," Kylie continued, ignoring him. "What would he see in you? You're plain and not interesting at all. And you hang around with those . . those twins."
"Those twins are my friends," Nessa shot at her.
"Some friends," Kylie grimaced. She was just grumbling now, her anger somehow defused. "They've just been waiting at Manor House for you to come back."
"They've been what?!" Nessa exclaimed. She almost shot out of the tub before remembering Rhone was in the room. She grabbed a towel instead and did her best to cover herself as she got out without being seen. "Rhone," she snapped to get his attention. He closed his mouth and seemed to shake himself. "We're leaving. Now." She paused as she passed him to go into her room. "Please."
His whole face seemed to soften. "Sure. I'll go tell the pilot."
Rhone left and Nessa ignored Kylie's rants about him never listening to her as she quickly got dressed in the clothes she'd laid out. Shade, Sade and Joshua must have been freaking out. She had completely forgotten that she hadn't left in the most normal way. And here she had been relaxing the whole time while they were probably going out of their minds. Either way, she had to get back to her friends.


Shade, Joshua and Sade had made the best of the past week. Thank God they didn't have to worry about school, but handing out at Manor House waiting for any word from Nessa or Rhone had been stressful enough. Shade had tried to occupy himself by helping the staff clean and Joshua had showed Sade how to cook, which had been a hilarious spectacle, but there just wasn't enough to do in the day.
Now, they were all lying on the foyer floor with their heads together, marveling at how big it was.
"Who needs an entry hall this big?" Sade asked.
"The Blossoms do," Joshua smirked, making them laugh.
"It's really big," Sade said.
"Too big," Shade agreed.
"I could fit a thousand ducks in here," Sade ventured.
Joshua laughed. "Why on earth would you even want that many ducks?"
Sade craned his head to see Joshua better. "Why not? Ducks are cute."
Joshua laughed harder. "You have the weirdest taste."
"You're dating him," Shade pointed out. "I think that makes you the one with the weird taste."
They all laughed as the doorbell rang, loud and clear.
"I'll get it," Shade offered, levering himself off the tile. It was probably another letter. Considering Manor House didn't have a mail box, all the mail had to be delivered to the front door directly. The last letter had been for Nessa three days ago, but why would a mailman be coming this late? It was nearly nine.
"I can't believe you forgot your key," Shade heard through the door. He pulled the door open and his eyes went wide with shock as Nessa flung herself into him, making him stumble back in an effort to keep his balance.
"Shade!" she exclaimed, somewhat breathless. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. I didn't have service where I was so I couldn't call and then a few days went by and I completely forgot that you guys didn't know where I was."
Her words were rushed and it took a minute for Shade to register what she was saying, but then it finally sunk in and he wrapped his arms around her as relief flooded him. He squeezed so tightly that he heard her gasp, but still he didn't let go.
"I was so worried," he whispered. "I thought I'd never see you again."
She squeezed him back. "I'm sorry, Shade. Rhone took me to an island." She pulled back from him and gave him a serious look. "It won't happen again. Right, Rhone?"
Rhone had kicked the door shut after dragging two suitcases inside. Now he stood there with a satisfied smile, almost as if he'd won a game the rest of the room didn't know was being played. "All right," he gave in. "We won't got without telling anyone anymore."
Nessa rolled her eyes. Something had changed between her and Rhone, Shade could see it. It was almost as if they understood each other now. Shade didn't exactly like that, but even he was man enough to admit that there was something between those two that he could never have with Nessa. That hurt, but he could live with the pain if it meant Nessa would let him stick around.
"We've heard that things have gotten restless here," Nessa tried.
"The word's out about your marriage to Rhone," Joshua said, coming up behind Shade. "It's all over town."
"I don't mind," Rhone said, obviously happy.
"Yeah," Sade said, "we know that, but the girls are not happy."
"Especially Kylie," Shade agreed.
Nessa nodded. "She paid us a little visit to tell us that herself."
"How did she find you?" Sade asked. "We couldn't even find you."
"She probably used her father's name and money to find where my island was," Rhone told them. "I told her to get lost."
Joshua smiled. "Smartest thing you've done yet."
Rhone smirked. "I'm glad I've lived up to your expectations."
"I bet she's pissed," Sade giggled.
"Come on," Joshua offered, starting towards the kitchen. "You must be hungry."
"Oo! Oo!" Sade exclaimed eagerly, hopping as he gripped Joshua's arm. "Can I cook, Joshy? Can I?"
"No," both Shade and Joshua said quickly.
They all laughed and Shade felt it strange that things had settled down so quickly. But Nessa was safe and back and that was all that mattered, really.
Passing by the table piled high with the mail accumulated over the past week or so, Shade picked up Nessa's letter.
"Nessa," Shade called, catching up to her. he handed her the letter. "This came for you. There's no return address, but it might be important."
Nessa's brows drew together in confusion, but she flipped over the letter, immediately opening it. "Thank you."
Shade watched as Nessa read the letter, her face filling with obvious surprise and then slowly turning to a sad sort of understanding. She sniffed when she was done, folded the letter carefully and put it back in its envelope.
'You okay . . ?" Shade asked quietly.
"Yeah," she said on a breath. "It was from Jay. He was apologizing and letting me know that he's okay." She turned and continued towards the kitchen. Shade followed. "I guess that's it then. . . It kind of hurts."
"Letting go of the past always hurts," he said without thinking.
She smiled at him. "Since when did you get so smart?"
Shade shrugged, smiling sheepishly. "Even I have my moments."
Nessa laughed as they entered the kitchen and Shade found himself hoping that she always had a reason to smile and laugh. Even if that reason was someone else. he was just glad that things were back to normal, even if his heart was hurting because of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yaaaay. Another chapter. ^^ I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I know that it's a wee bit boring this time around, but not everything can be drama. . It would just be too much if it was. O.O But the next chapter will be chalk-full of ups and downs and craziness, so look forward to that! I've got lots and lots planned, though I'm still trying to figure a certain instance out. =] Happy reading, everyone!!