Simple Letters

The first mistake

Dear Kyle,
I always loved the way you talked. Your voice deep, but not too deep. It was smooth and fine, but not velvety, not the type of voice you melt in. It was the type of voice you have to slowly sink into, and then just saturate in it while it soaks inside of you. That's what it felt like to me. Like a bathtub full of boiling water. When you first go in you want to pull away, and yet the longer you're there the better it feels.

When you first talked to me, I didn't know what to expect. Usually, I could get a pretty good impression on a guy when I heard them talk. Whether they were cocky, or rude, or innocent, smart. You could always tell.

But not with you. With you i had to think about it. Again and again and again! It drove me insane.

We were at a local coffee shop. Every Friday they would have three bands come and play. It was fun. We were connected through friends. Most of us were head banging or just making complete fools of ourselves. You and I stayed behind.

I liked to think of that as fate. Not fate as in meant tobe together. But a sign that we should be.

I had some form of a latte, while I think you were drinking alcohol. You looked down at me and smiled. That smiled should've given it away too.

"Hi." you said. I blushed almost automatically. It was a horomonal thing. Two people alone. One hot. Hot one says hi. How else was I supposed to react?

"You shouldn't be drinking that." Was my response. The corners of his lips pulled up slightly.

"What, coffee? You're drinking it." Was a latte considered coffee? I shook my head at him. The band started going into another song.

"When you die of alcohol poisening, don't expect me to come to your funeral." He face looked curious.

"Meet me in Heaven?" He asked. Again, I blushed. So stupid. Kaylie ran up to me. Her hair was wild and she was laughing uncontrollably. She was never one to party, but when she did, she really did.

"! Come on Megan, you have to try this head banging thing." And I was lead away from you. But that wasn't the last time I would talk to you.

I really loved your voice,