Simple Letters

Call it women's intuition

Dear Kyle,
After that night, you were out of my mind. The only things I remembered was dancing, alcohol, and Heaven. Not a good combination if you think of it.

Adrian was planning on taking me out tonight. I think I met him on Friday. He might've been one of the band members, but I wasn't sure. All I knew was there was a sticky note on my forhead that said, Date w/ Adrian @ 6:00. BE THERE.

I'm guessing Kaylie wrote that. It was only four O' clock, but I was already getting dressed. I felt like it was important to make a good impression on this guy. I didn't even remember talking to the guy, so I didn't know where we were going. I decided on a pair of jeans and a nice New York & Company top. If he takes me to a fancy restaurant, than those people can suck it.

I was almost ready. It was about 5:40. My cell phone started ringing. I grabbed it out of my purse. Unknown number. I answered.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Walk out the door in exactly 10 seconds." A voice commanded.

"Adrian?" I asked. They hung up. I sighed. There was a 50/50 chance that I was going to be murdered before what could possible be the best date of my life. Great. I put on some black heels and and walked down the stairs and to the door. When I counted to zero I waited. Opening the door I saw a cute guy on his knee holding out flowers. This better be Adrian.

"I believe I said 10 seconds." He said. His hand was held out for me. I ignored it and walked on. No limo, no car, a motorcylce. it was a damn good thing I wore jeans. I stood on the sidewalk awkwardly when he sat down. He patted the spot behind him. Oh yeah, definitely a rock star.

"You know, a little warning would be good." I shouted in his ear.

"Maybe I don't need to, you've got luck on you." I didn't blush. He drove away.

This could've been a total rush, but really I was scared.

When we got there I found that we were at a fancy restaurant. Interesting odds.

The whole night was him trying to impress me, and me focusing on my napkin.

When it was over (thank god), I lyed on my bed in my clothes and looked up at the ceiling. A beep from my computer kept going. I went over to see it was unknown. Again.

I answered, it was Adrian. We started talking. I liked him. God I really liked him. it was amazing. I wish the date had gone this well. Talking to him was like talking to a best friend, you laugh a lot, say embarrassing things, and you still have a good feeling in your stomach.

I was about to go to bed, cause it was 12:19. Right before I logged off of facebook you IM'd me.


He logged off before I could reply.

After that night, I so could not get you out of my mind,