Simple Letters


Dear Kyle,
Anothing thing I loved about you was the way you looked at talked to me. I an equal. You know where on some dates you'll be talking about something that excites you more than anything, and the guy won't even pay attention? You aren't like that. You stare at the ground with this really hard look that just shows that you're listening. At the right moments you nod, and when I'm finished, you look up and smile at me with that amazing smile.

I had tried to trick Kaylie. It didn't work out. I thought you know, if she invited her boyfriend Seth to come and hang out with us at the beach then he would bring you; maybe Elijah, Julie, and Noah would come to. The plan was perfect. I was going to wear these black cut off short that showed off my legs, my lime green bikini top, and a skimpy black tank top over that.

I wasn't trying to look slutty for you though. But something about you, I could feel an instant connection. I didn't know how you felt though, and the thing was, I didn't care. Because I knew for sure that in the end, you would feel the same way.

At least I thought so. When Kaylie and I arrived at the beach, it was just Seth and Noah. Seth was your typical dream guy. He's beautiful, talented, smart, and totally and completely in love with Kaylie. She couldn't have gotten someone more perfect for her. Noah was that type of guy that was just really quiet. Even if he talked a lot, he seemed quiet. For that, he was ignored a lot. I kind of felt sorry for him.

So obviously not seeing you was disappointing. I mean sure, blind date, I'm totally cool if it was you, but it was Noah. And for that my good mood just vanished. Suddenly I did feel like a slut, even if Kaylie was dressed way more explicity then I was.

"Hey Kails." Seth said, his arm wrapping around her waist and kissing her neck. She giggled and pulled away slightly. I put on my best fake smile.

"Hey Noah." My voice was flat. Apparently he felt the same way. Or maybe that was just the quiet aura. He smiled back.

"Hi Megan." And that was the end of our very exciting conversation. Thankfully Seth intervened.

"Oh and a few more friends are coming later, they had a thing." More friends. That meant you. I could feel it.

We all pretty much tanned on the beach until you got here. Kaylie and Seth were happily close to having sex, and Noah and I were just plain bored. I mean Noah is awesome, and we're definitely sort of friends, but I wanted you. And he wasn't you.

Then you came. As soon as I heard the loud engine of a Toyota I just knew it. I stood up excitedly. I found you immediately. You jumped out in a pair of black board shorts and a wife beater. My heart raced. I knew you saw me too, cause you had this little quirky smirk on your face. I turned to look at who else came and my house dropped. Like I had predicted, Elijah and Julie came. What I didn't think of was Adrian. And that's exactly who came. He was driving. Why couldn't he have used that on the date?

You all walked together. Adrian went for my side immediately. He looked cute, but again, he wasn't you. Elijah and Julie are related so they kind of hung together. You and Noah were left out. That's when things started. We all just dashed for the water together. Adrian was holding my hand. That was a little more than annoying.

I swam as far as possible. When I looked up I saw I was pretty far from shor, far from everyone. Someone grabbed my legs. I dropped down, and there you were. how had I not noticed you? You smiled and pulled me close, then you kissed me. It was a simple, small, too quick kiss. But it was amazing.

Your hands were on my lower back, and my legs were wrapped around your waist. Your lips were soft and salty. When we came up for air, you had no expression on your face.

"Hey guys, I got her!" You yelled. And then we swam back together like nothing happened. Adrian was back at my side asking if I was okay.

But we knew something happened.

And we knew I was definitely not okay. Because that kiss meant something with more depth then I could comprehend. The rest of the night we all just talked and laughed together. I got a few conversations with you about music. It seemed you were so interested.

I really loved the way you talked to me,