Simple Letters

When Did This Happen?

Dear Kyle,
I think you were the real problem. It seemed like whenever something bad happens, you were the cause. Like for instance, I'm not the jealous type. In fact, I pretty much don't care about other girls as long as I'm with my guy.

But it's you we're talking about.

With you, I felt this jealous protectiveness that just wouldn't suffice. If you mentioned another girl at all- even if she was your sister- I would get this guard just ready to wrap around you and take you from everyone else. It was almost obsessive.

So I didn't take it very well when I found out what a player you were. Our conversation about it mostly consisted of, "I hate yous", and, "fuck yous." Not as deep as I wanted.

But we had a bigger problem at our hands.

Our fight lead to a heated discussion about telling everyone we're going out. You were practically blowing me off, but I wouldn't give in.

Eventually you did.

We planned to invite everyone over to your place. Mine just didn't have the right atmosphere for fighting. Yours- however- was perfect; trust me, I know. When they arrived they all sat on the couch in a normal order. Kaylie was practically on Seth's lap on the end. Next to them was Elijah, next to Elijah was Julie, next to Julie was Noah, and next to Noah was Adrian. I didn't really get when Adrian became everyone's friend, but he seemed sort of like part of the package. You and me were across from them on another chair.

You could see the looks of curiosity from everyone. I felt unconfortable, and I was kind of regretting all of this. Kyle looked as calm as he always did.

"Um so." I said. All of their eyes averted to me like robots. I gasps slightly. Kyle squeezed my knee in encouragement.

"So...we've sort of..."

"We've been dating for a month." Kyle interrupted. They all looked at him. The whole room had this unconfortable stillness to it. In seconds that was ruined.

"What the fuck bro! You still my girl from me?" Adrian screamed. Kyle sighed. Adrian jumped up and went up to Kyle. Kyle was shorter, but more built. Adrian was that freakishly tall and skinny type. He didn't stand a chance. Seth intervened.

"Whoa, whoa dudes, calm down." He put his hand on their chest. Adrian cussed and stormed out. Kyle just sat back down.

"A whole month... and you didn't tell me?" Kaylie's face showed complete hurt. I took a step forward but she backed away. I was close to crying. I think she was too. Noah stood up.

"Well this is a complete mess.' He said. Everyone ignored him. Like I said, he was the quiet type. Elijah wasn't saying anything, it didn't look like he cared. Julie was mad, furious even. She stood up and glared at me, then Kyle.

"So everything didn't mean a thing to you? I was just some slut? Is she? Oh no wait, cause you told everyone about her." My head whipped to him. What was that about? His jaw was clenched but he said nothing.

"Kaylie please." I said. She stood up.

"I need to go." She said suddenly. Seth shot me and Kyle an apologetic look.

"Sorry guys, gotta follow the girlfriend. Oh and uh, congrajulations." Then he left. soon Elijah went after Julie and all that was left was Noah.

"Nice timing. You guys are sort of asses." And then he walked out. This time, we heard him.

Kyle sat on the couch and turned the TV on. I looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you seriously just going to ignore this?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I told you it wasn't a good idea, and you ignored me." Maybe he was right. He saw how close I was too crying and sighed.

"Come here," He said, holding his arm out. I jumped on the couch and cried in his chest as he comforted me and kissed me forehead.

This was only the beginning of the end.

And I still felt like it was your fault,