Simple Letters


Dear Kyle,
I'd love to say things got better after that, but they didn't. They got much, much worse.

And I guess at first everyone was just kind of quiet towards us. If we walked into a room they'd stop talking. That was bad enough.

But not as bad as what happens next.

I'd had about enough of Kaylie's 'ignore me' attitude. So I was going to confront her. I spent just about the whole day before that at your place planning what I was going to say while you kissed my neck and encouraged me. That helped a bit.

But when I got there...

I was wearing practically a whole outfit that she had given me as past presents. I had everything planned perfectly. I was prepared.

But so was she.

As soon as I walked through the door (mad or not we always do that), I saw her and Elijah on the floor, fucking eachother senseless. Sh were on the bottom moaning so loudly I was surprised I couldn't hear it from outside. Elijah was on top cupping her breasts and screaming her name. The whole thing was

I guess atmosphere is important. Because it seemed that the air stood still as soon as I walked in, and I wasn't the only one who noticed. Elijah looked up slowly, and when he saw me he cursed under his breath. Kaylie sat up immediately, but when she saw she wasn't covered, she kind of bent over in a way that covered some of her. We all just kind of sat there, silent.

"I'm out." Elijah said. He put on a shirt and some jeans and ran out the door in a hurry.

"This is not how I expected things to go." I said. She bit her lip and looked down.

"Will you not tell..."

"Seth?" I interrupted. She nodded. I laughed bitterly and shook my head.

"Of course I'm not telling him. But I think you should. I thought you loved him! He's sure as hell in love with you." She looked up and glared.

"You don't know anything Megan. You haven't been talking to us."

"And that's my fault?!" I yelled. She didn't back down.

"You're the one that lied to us all."

"Right...I lied. Because I liked a guy a lot and wasn't sure how to tell everyone without a whole big mess. I guess that went well."

"Megan, Seth told me something. I mean, like after you guys made this big confession thing." I sat down.

"He said...he said he might be bi, possibly even gay." I just stared at her. No way was this happening.

"That's impossible. He's always been completely and totally in love with you!" She shook her head and let out a sob.

"Apparently not." I put an arm around her.

"Okay so did you two break up?" She sobbed again for a few minutes. She could barely breathe.

"No. He said that until he figures out who he is he thinks we should just not spend as much time together. He made it clear he wasn't breaking up, just like putting us on hold." I could hear the misery in her voice.

"I- I'm sorry Kaylie." Worst way of comforting I've ever done. She looked up and sighed.

"I'm sorry too. I know that you didn't mean to hurt me but, you know it did." I nodded.

"So, just tell me...why Elijah?" I asked. She chuckled.

"I don't know. He came over for...I forgot why but I was sad, and apparently he's been in love with me forever so I thought ya know, why not?" I hugged her tighter.

"Are you going to tell Seth?" She froze.

"I don't know. God I really don't. I'm going to see if I'm pregnant first cause-"

"What?!" She looked at me sheepishly

"We sort of didn't use a condom." I sighed.

"Wow. And if you aren't?"

"If I'm not I don't tell him and we move on." I nodded and looked at the clock.

"I better go back to Kyle."

"Are you living with him?" She blurted. I shook my head.

"It seems like it sometimes but no. Gotta go call me if you need me." She nodded and hugged me.

When I got home you weren't there.

'Hey...went out with Seth. IDK why he wanted to but I should be home later."

Was this day weird or what?

And still, I knew things were gonna get even worse,