Simple Letters

Bitches, assholes, and lies oh my!

Dear Kyle,
I never handled change very well. I was always sticking to a routine, or something similar to one. But that was in my last life. I like to consider my new self- my new life- as change.

So I did a little reinventing.

You see, parents are divorced. My dad's a succesful lawer and my mom's a hairstylist in Los Angeles. My mom was always the one who did crazy wacky things for her age. I went over to her apartment the next day, cause all this news has been too overwhelming. She looked the same.

"Oh...Harper? Is that you?" Harper is my sister. I rolled my eyes and mustered a smile.

"No mom, it's Megan." At that her eyes lit up and she pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"It's been so long." Her voice was cracking. Tears started welling up in my eyes.

"i know and I'm sorry." I wasn't the best at reunions either. She let go and smiled at me.

"Can I get you anything? Water; ice tea?" I shook my head and sat down on her couch.

"Um this sounds weird but, can you come with me to get a tattoo?" Her eyes grew and she snorted a laugh.

"You wanna get a tattoo?" I nodded seriously.

"Well...sure. Let's go, I know just the place."

On the ride there my phone was going off like crazy. I didn't even want to think of the possibilities. It could be you, it could be Kaylie, it would be Seth, it could be Elijah...or Adrian. We hadn't spoken much since after the incident, but when we did, I wanted to die. I turned my phone off.

The place looked like a bar, or a stripper's club. Mom walked through the doors like she came here everyday; she probably did.

"Hey Diane!" One of the guys yelled towards her. You see, I told you. She smiled and waved.

"Hey Kevin, my daughter here wants a tattoo." He took one look at me and raised his eye brows, shaking his head. Well then.

"What you want sweetheart?" The way his eyes traveled over me disgusted me. I really wished you were here.

"Um I want a- sleeve? Yeah a sleeve...on my right arm." I said. He laughed and grabbed a huge book and gave it to me.

"Look at the designs and see what you like." I skimmed the pages. They looked...ew. I chose one that was a sunset on a beach with the words, im living my life now, but when the sun goes do I. It seemed dark and creepy, but the most decent I've seen so far. I chose that.

"I'd like this." I said pointing to it. He nodded and grabbed a needle like thing. I am scared.

The whole process was painful, and scary, and thrilling. I would've tattood my whole body if I could. When we drived back to mom's house. When we got there I just kind of hugged her and left. When I got home- to your house- you were watching TV. When you noticed me you ran up to me and picked my up in a big hug, kissing my neck and my face. I laughed.

"Did someone miss me?" I asked. You nodded and hugged me again.

"Damn Megan, you had me worried sick! You didn't answer any of my calls or texts.Wait, is that a tattoo?" You looked ready to cry.

"Wow well I'm sorry. And yeah...I got one with my mom." You laughed and kissed me again. Each kiss filled my stomach with butterflies.

"I love you." You said, looking me in the eyes. My heart stopped. You'd never said that before. I smiled widely and jumped into your arms.

"I love you much." I said. You carried me to your bed. We began kissing heavily. You started sucking on my nipples and sliding your hands down my pants. I moaned when you started sucking on my nipples. We made out like that for about a half an hour before you stopped.

"Not now. I don't want to take your virginity just because I said I loved you." I smiled. You were so sweet. We kissed a little more and fell asleep in each other's arms; at 4:00 p.m.

I've never liked change, but this time it worked for me,