Eternal Illusion

Crunch Time

“Ready?” Shou asked me when I opened my front door.

“You really don’t have to walk me to school,” I said blushing slightly.

“Now what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t,” Shou asked smiling. I didn’t answer and he took my hand and pulled me alongside him as he walked me to the university. “Besides if I let you walk there by yourself someone might steal you from me,” Shou replied. I could see a small glint of worry in his eyes.

I stopped walking and Shou stopped abruptly when he realized he couldn’t go anywhere. I pulled him close so my body pressed up against his and wrapped my arms around his neck. Shou’s lips brushed lightly against mine and my fingers tangled themselves in his hair. I kissed him hungrily and then slowly pulled away. I opened my eyes and smiled up at him. “Shou, we’ve been dating for 6 months now and nothing and no one is going to change how I feel about you,” I said and my cheeks started burning. He smiled a big and cheesy but cute grin.

“I love it when you blush,” he said and lightly kissed my cheek.

We entered the campus grounds I caught Shou eyeing the football players that were playing a quick game before school starts. I put my finger on the side of his face and made him look at me. “Seriously Shou, these guys are of no interest to me ok?” I said. Shou nodded.

“I’ll walk you to your locker but then I’m going to have to go,” he said placing an arm around my waist. We made it to my locker and I turned to face him.

“This is going to be a long day,” I said looking down at the floor. I think he could sense my sadness for leaving him because he lightly pressed me against my locker. His arm was on one side of me and he leaned in brushing his lips lightly to mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck trying to crush myself against him and I kissed him harder.

“I’ll pick you up after school,” he said once he pulled away from me.

“Ok I’ll be waiting,” I said and watched him walk away.

“Hatsumei, lookin’ good!” a group of guys shouted as they walked passed me. My eyes remained on Shou. As soon as he was out of my sight I opened my locker and grabbed the books for my first two classes.

“Hey, Hatsumei, who was that?” Kain asked. All the girls in our school loved him, everyone except me of course. With my uncanny ‘luck’ he ended up having a huge crush on me, but jerk is not my type.

“That’s my boyfriend, Shou,” I said closing my locker door.

“Really because I thought that was your girlfriend,” he said and grabbed his Calculus book out of his locker. I knew what he was implying: that Shou looked like a girl. He turned and smirked at me as he saw my pissed off expression. Then my fist collided with his face. I heard a crunching noise when I hit him.
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Thanks for reading.

I made this a few years ago and it's posted on Quizilla. I've decided to transfer all of my stories over to mibba. (: