Eternal Illusion


Blood? Why was I puking up blood? I quickly flushed it away and ran to the bathroom sink to wash my mouth out. Then I dried my hands off and reached into my purse and whipped out my cell phone. I dialed the local hospital’s number and waited patiently for someone to pick up. A nice sounding girl answered asking how she could help me.

“I would like to schedule an appointment as soon as humanly possible,” I said and waited for her reply. She stated a time and I confirmed it. The appointment was scheduled after school. Shou would be busy with his band thing so I was able to make it without him knowing about it. I really didn’t want to worry Shou so I decided on going by myself.

I went home and rested until it was time for my appointment. I got into my car and drove to the hospital. Traffic was light so I made it earlier than I expected. I sat down on the plastic paper of the bed. The doctor took some blood then went to take it to another room. I waited patiently until he came back. He asked why I needed an emergency check up and I told him about my nonexistent memory of me getting up and not knowing who or where I was. Then I told him about my extreme headache and my bloody nose, eyes, and vomit. He took me in for a CAT scan and other things.

“You will receive results in two days. Come back then and I’ll have a spot open for you. All you have to do is tell the front desk your name and that you need to see me then we’ll go over the results,” the doctor said. I nodded and left the hospital. I drove back to my house and went to go lay down on the couch. I wasn’t going to go to school until I received the results.

I woke up to a knock on my door at 9 at night. It was Shou. “Where were you? I was worried,” he said angrily when I opened the door.

“I’m sorry I went home early today because I wasn’t feeling good,” I said. Shou looked at me more closely and I saw worry crease his forehead again.

“I’m sorry. Are you ok?” he asked and put his arms around me.

“I’m fine,” I said into his chest. “I just feel kind of bad. I won’t be going to school tomorrow either so you don’t need to walk me to school,” I said and Shou nodded and kissed my forehead.

I stayed home all day and avoided contact with Shou. I was worse today. I puked up more blood and I cried bloody red tears when my headache was extremely bad. I couldn’t eat and I couldn’t sleep. I was miserable and I didn’t want Shou to see me like that.

It was late at night and I still couldn’t sleep. The phone began to ring and I picked it up. “Hello?” I answered my throat sounding raw.

“Hatsumei, this is Dr. Sugimaru and I have your results. Could you come tonight?” he asked. I couldn’t drive in the state I was in and I wasn’t going to call Shou.

“Sorry but I’m unable. My symtoms are getting worse,” I replied.

“Then I will come to you accompanied by a nurse,” he said and I told him that would be best. The doctor arrived shortly after and I invited them inside. They were shocked at my appearance and the nurse made me sit down on the couch. Dr. Sugimaru pulled out a file and sat down next to me.

“Hatsumei, you have been diagnosed with something unexplainable. We’ve never in history seen this happen to anyone so we looking into it. I’ve decided to call it OFD,” he said. My forehead wrinkled in confusion.

“OFD?” I asked unsure of this term and/or what it stood for. The nurse shifted uncomfortably and had a look of something like pity or sadness in her eyes. The doctor looked through the file pulling out the pictures of my insides and compared them to pictures of someone elses insides. The difference was significant and frightening.

“OFD stands for Organ Failure Disease. All of your organs are slowly deteriorating. In other words you are going to die.”
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Thanks for reading (: