Eternal Illusion

A Proposal

You’re going to die. The words echoed in my head. “I’m going to die?” I asked barely whispering. The doctor squeezed my hand to let me know he was there.

“Yes, you are,” he said. How was I going to tell Shou? I couldn’t and I wouldn’t. “You need someone there for you otherwise it’ll eat at you or make you crazy,” the doctor warned. I looked at him.

“How long do I have?” I asked.

“You have months maybe weeks. We don’t really know.”

I stood up. “Thanks for coming,” I said abruptly and led them out of my house. I closed the door and pressed my back against it. The tears finally came and I sunk to the floor. I buried my face in my knees and cried bloody tears.

The sun started to stream through the window and I wiped my blood stained face. The phone rang and I wanted to let it keep ringing but if I didn’t answer Shou he would come check on me. So I crawled over to the phone and answered it. “Hey Hatsumei! Are you going to school today?” he asked eagerly.

“Not today,” I managed to barely whisper.

“Are you ok? I can come over if you want,” Shou replied sounding worried.

“No that’s ok. You might catch what I have,” I lied and said good-bye.

I went to my room and threw my clothes into a box and then I packed some other things. I took them out to my car when I was finished. I was going to leave before Shou found out. I didn’t want him to suffer with me.

I got myself cleaned up and picked up the phone. “Shou, is it alright if I come over?” I asked.

“Sure, do you want me to come get you?” he asked.

“No, I’ll walk,” I said and hung up. I grabbed my coat and walked down the street to Shou’s house.

“You weren’t kidding when you said you were sick. You’re really pale,” Shou commented and hugged me.

“The doctor told me it wasn’t contagious,” I rambled and sighed. Shou sat down in a recliner and pulled me onto his lap. I rested my head on his shoulder and breathed in his scent. This was going to be the last time I saw him and I wanted to remember everything about him.

“I missed you a lot,” Shou said and kissed my forehead. “It feels like you were gone forever,” he added.

“I missed you a lot too,” I replied and softly kissed him.

“Will you get up for a second?” he asked and I got up. Shou ran down the hallway disappearing from my sight. He returned a minute later looking slightly flushed. Shou smiled and it forced me to smile back. “Hatsumei,” he said kneeling in front of me. My heart rate increased so much I thought it would jump out of my chest. “Will you marry me?”