Status: Done;

Stay With Me

Chapter One – Olivia

Finally, the last bell of the day echoed throughout the school. Students rushing out, pushing and shoving each other to get out of the hallways holding education.

I waited for the hallways to empty out, probably being the last student in a 5 mile range of this school. I stuffed my textbooks into my locker and silently locked it. It was so quiet, but from a distance I could hear faint footsteps getting closer. Must be the teachers, I thought to myself. I made my way to the stairs, each of my steps ending with echoes.

I heard a thud from the stairs above me followed by a familiar yell. I couldn’t hold back my grin. I turned around to see Jason on the floor and his textbooks all over the stairs.
He laughed at himself. “Guess I’m still a bit clumsy.” I grabbed his textbooks that made their way down to me and helped him back up.

“Thanks Olivia,” he said adding his smile that made my heart skip a beat. I returned his smile and his textbooks. And for a moment that I would re-live every time I could, we just stood there. Smiling and holding each other’s gaze.

“Uhm, so why are you still here ? Usually everyone is gone by now and I thought you’d be one of them out of here the minute the bell rang.” He didn’t respond for awhile. He just looked straight into my eyes. I could feel my cheeks heating up, “Jason ? You alright ?”

“Oh yea, I’m fine. Sorry I just—Olivia you have really pretty eyes.” He brushed back a strand of my hair behind my ear, “Did you know that ?” He caught me off guard with that one. He totally ignored me. I wanted to look away so badly, but he just stared into my eyes. Holding them and not letting them go.

I took one step backward. He took one step forward. Another step backwards. Another step forward.

Finally he smiled and stepped backwards, “Sorry. I guess I’ll be on my way now. Thanks for helping me Olivia. I’ll see you later.” He made his way around me and to the door. Before he left, he faced me again. Not another word left his mouth, just a shy smile, then he was gone. What just happened?