Status: Done;

Stay With Me

Chapter Eleven - Jason

I felt dead to the world. Everyone jumped out of the car running towards the entrance like it was a candy shop. I watched from inside the car as they all raced each other, laughing, smiling as they pushed and shoved each other to get there first. Through the now fogged up window I saw Olivia standing right outside my door. I wanted so bad to reach out for her, but I couldn’t speak. The only sound I heard came from the chatter of my teeth as I shivered violently.

The cold atmosphere shot at me as the door opened the door, and there she was. Her beautiful hair dancing in the wind. She looked at me with such worry but faked a smile, just for me. I inched closer to her extended arm that reached out for me. Gathering up the strength I had and jumped out of the car. I pulled my jacket closer trying to pick up heat. I tried my hardest to get my friends, but every time I tried to reach out for them, the m ore they slipped out of my grasp.

I was on the verge on giving up and crumbling to the ground when I felt a strong arm secure itself around my waist as the other arm supported my chest. My head hung from the shoulder I fell on. Inhaling flowers, I slowly opened my eyes staring at Olivia as she watched me carefully. She let out a sigh and shifted herself so that she was holding me as I weakly held myself up.

“Sh,” I cooed, knowing she was worried about me. I stood my ground and with her help walked towards our friends.

“Jason, you don’t look too good. Maybe you should’ve listened to Olivia.”

I slightly shrugged my shoulders ignoring them. I couldn’t tell them to, ‘Be quiet and Shut up,’ even if I wanted to. I used most of my strength just to get up and walk. But I still had Olivia supporting as I stood before them. Annoyance and anger began to bubble inside of me as the, ‘We told you so’s,’ began piling up. As if Olivia sensed my emotions raging out of control, in one swift movement she placed her hand on my cheek before holding it up demanding for silence.

“I got him you guys. Don’t worry, okay?” Her voice danced through everyone as they began to understand.

“Good morning! Welcome to the Honolulu Zoo.” The manager exclaimed catching everyone’s attention.

As if nothing happened, everyone smiled and ran into the zoo. Olivia guided me towards Ricky and Char, the only ones that weren’t running around wild, they turned towards us and smiled.

“Thank you for taking care of Jason, Olivia.” Char said as Ricky nodded before they both kissed her cheek and walked towards the Panda’s.

I plopped myself on the nearest bench and let out a frustrated sigh. Olivia stood in front of me. Watching what I would do next. My heart ached once I noticed her eyes were filled with such fear, pain, and worry. It hurt worst when she flinched when I opened my mouth to say something. I wanted so badly to let my emotions take over and let my tears run free.
She slowly lifted her hand, running her fingers along my jaw line to my cheek. I lost my battle as my face heated up and tears slipped down my eyes.

“Come here,” I stuttered. She stepped forward and bent over as she kissed my forehead. Her lips lingered a bit before she sat on my lap using the bench’s arm to support her back. “I’m sorry,” I whispered letting my tears run freely. “I know I’m a burden to take care of. I just don’t know what’s happening to me.”

One of her arms hung from my neck as she guided my head to rest on her chest while the other rubbed my side. “It’s not your fault. There is no need for apologizing. And you’re never a burden. Remember that,” she whispered so only I would hear, while wiping a trail leaking from my eyes. Like a battery charger, her words ran through my head like electricity. I got up, carrying Olivia bridal-style. I looked down at a wide-eyed Olivia with confidence.

“You always know how to make me feel better.” For the first time today, I smiled.

“They’re just words, I—"

“No, they’re your words.” I smiled letting her down. Her arm slid down to rest on my waist as I draped mines on her shoulder.

I know it sounds stupid but her words made me feel so much better. Just her being with me after what I had done made me feel better.

“Hey! Over here!” Rizza shouted from the Meer cat house. I grabbed Olivia’s hand and together we ran to our friends.

“You look better,” our friends noted noticing my change.

I nodded and shot them a smile as we joined them in their ‘Zoo Takeover.’
♠ ♠ ♠
Gosh, this story isn't the best one I've created ''/
I'm sorry everyone for the disappoinments...
-Comments ? Advice ?

-Thank your for reading <3