Status: Done;

Stay With Me

Chapter Twelve - Olivia

After Jason and I talked, his mood seemed to change. Right now the boys were mocking the oversized bird on its perch.

“I love girls,” Gabe shouted.

“I love girls!” The parrot yelled.

“I love boys,” Jody winked.

“I love boys,” the bird whispered.

I watched them from the Peacock pen behind them. Jason with a smile on his face, all the pain and suffering nowhere to be found. From the corner of my eye a mixture of colors caught my attention. The peacock slowly strutted towards me, leaning its neck out of the pen so I could pet her.

She bent her head low and I bowed back before reaching out to stroke the spot between her eyes to the top of her soft head, to under her beak. Her feathers flew open exposing beautiful shades of green, blue, and purple. I gasped, taking in her beauty. “You’re so beautiful,” I sighed rubbing her head again.

“You’re so beautiful.” I heard from behind me.

“If that bird is off its chain, you guys are going to be so much trouble.” I babbled to no one in particular.

“You’re so beautiful.” I heard from behind me again.

“My friends are so bad,” I told the peacock as if it could respond to me. Smiling, I touched her feathers again.

“You’re so beautiful.” There it goes again. “But I’m not a bird.” The voice said, scaring me.

I didn’t want to turn around. I was too frightened. That voice. It wasn’t the birds. It wasn’t any of my friends voices. Nor was it Jason’s. His arms crushed me into his chest. Gasping for air, I screamed for Jason. But all I could hear was his voice right next to my ear.

“Jason won’t save the day.” His voice rang throughout my body, sending many warnings to fight back. I slowly moved my left arm but he knew what I was trying to do. His hands held my wrists tight enough to leave bruises. My body began to burn against the wall I was being shoved into.

“What did you do to them,” I spat before getting my hair pulled and shoved against the wall again.

“Aw, what’s wrong Olivia? Why aren’t you fighting back,” My body made contact with the railing. “I know you’re a great fighter. You could easily knock me unconscious right now. Why, why, why aren’t you then?” His voice rang in my ear. I began to shake as I felt him take in a deep breath, smelling my hair. Tears fell from my eyes when I felt my hands being tied along with my legs.

“Jason!” I screamed, but no one answered.

He chuckled when I let out another yell for help when I felt his rough hands slip under my shirt, rising up to pull my bra. My body froze when I felt his other hand tugging the top of my jeans.

“No one can save you.” I heard his smile grow when as I gasped for air.

“No!” I screamed trying to get away from him. He grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked me back in his grasp. My tears poured out as I wept for help. Fingers slipping inside of me and something hard pressed against my back made me want to die. “Help!” I whispered, losing myself. My body burned as his fingers pushed then pulled out faster. The peacock looked my way, witnessing my pain and let out a loud bird-like yell charging to where I laid, helpless, ashamed, and dirty. She bent her neck pecking the man’s head.

“Stupid bird,” he groaned letting me go to fight away the bird. It wasn’t long before he tackled me down and pushed his full weight on my back as he settled on top of me, resuming his actions.

Body being abused. Tears streaming down. Voice trying to be heard. I, Olivia Ann Oassay, wanted to die as this all took place. I tried my best to block out what was happening as I called out for help only to be heard by no one but these birds.

“You’re so beautiful Olivia,” he breathed. “Jason doesn’t deserve something as beautiful as you. No one does, except me. I’m going to take you home and we can be a family. We can have a daughter as beautiful as you, then a son as handsome as me. Together we can live together. Forever. Don’t be sad. He won’t miss you. We'll drive away in our white van, and no one will miss you.” The man reached out for my neck and ripped off the key around my neck and threw it towards the parrot, laughing in triumph. “Jason doesn’t want you. Why can’t you see that?” He spat lies, moving his fingers faster.

I whimpered not wanting to release. I don’t want this! He can’t take it away from me! Don’t please! Why is no one here to help me!? I pleaded my body to stay calm. But the longer he noticed nothing happened, the deeper and harder he pushed in me. “Don’t try to stop it baby.” He moaned unzipping my jeans to get better access. Pulling down my underwear he slowly pulled his fingers out only to shove three back in. I screamed, but was shut up by the cloth he shoved into my mouth. “Sh. I’ll make you feel good. I promise.” He whispered, kissing my forehead.

I couldn’t help but let out sorrow filled moans as he hit a spot that shouldn’t have been touched until I was ready. “Yes baby. There it is.” He smiled wiggling his fingers inside of me. “Don’t fight it. You know your body wants it. I just want to please you baby.” My mouth opened but nothing but horrible moans escaped as I released all over his hands. “Good girl. Now you’re ready.” He said lifting me up and carrying me out of the birdhouse.

We got a few weird stares from people but he covered my face by shoving my face into his neck, acting like I was tired. I heard cars passing by, probably meaning we were in the parking lot. A door opened and he dropped me in the back of his van. He quickly closed the door, getting in. I knew he wasn’t done with me, but what could I do. “You don’t look happy baby. Let me make you happy.” I could see him smile through the mask he wore. I shut my eyes closed once I heard him unzip his pants then mines. “Don’t worry. I’m going to get you ready before I make love to you baby. This can wait ‘til then.” He whispered patting his exposed boxers. “You didn’t think I was done did you? Your body seemed to like it when I did—“his fingers entered once more, “this. Just like this.”

The man continued to play with me as his other hand slipped under my shirt, unhooking my bra. My body got tired of myself fighting and decided to take over. Tears continued falling as my sobs filled the van, along with his disgusting comments, but my body wanted to show him I loved it. I moaned, not knowing what happened to me, I came on him once more. “Good girl. But I want more.” He bit my neck softly. It wasn’t long before that turned into hard bites, drawing blood from me. My skin began to tingle as it started bruise.

I spat out the cloth quickly. “Jason,” I screamed again before my body went limp and darkness washed over me.
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Comments? Good or Bad.

I wanted to try something different to see what you readers would say or react.
I'm sorry if some didn't like that it took a turn for the sexual content. But I was watching NCIS and noticed this happened a lot. This should never happen anyone. Help out those voices that can't be heard, please.

-Thank you for reading <3