Status: Done;

Stay With Me

Chapter Three


“You’re going to catch a cold if you stay out here when it gets dark Jason.” Her voice sang to me. “C’mon, it’s getting late. You should be heading inside now.”


She was about to take her hand off my shoulder, I grabbed her hand, “ I want to get away from here. Far away from here. Doesn’t that sound nice Olivia ?” I stood up, her hand still in mines.

“I guess, that does sound like a good plan… Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. Are you okay ? I heard you on the phone.” My hand slipped out of hers.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m actually glad I finally did it,” I took a step backwards and starred into the distance of the lake.

I felt her arms wrap themselves around my waist, her head on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry Jason.” Again, we stood there for what seemed like forever. I didn’t want anything to ruin this. I let out a sneeze and she let go. “Okay, seriously. It’s time for you to get inside.” She tugged on my arm and I didn’t argue with her. She walked me to my front door. “Good night,” she said, very softly. She smiled and left me there, alone on my porch, watching her as she walked to her house. “Good night Olivia.”


I wondered if Jason was going to be alright. It wasn’t a big secret that Shelby began taking over Jason’s life throughout the time they were together. Every girl that he talked to was automatically a threat to Shelby and she made it her mission to get rid of them so that she was the only girl for Jason.

I remember last semester Shelby “accidently” tripped over her own feet causing Erica to go flying 2 flights of stairs. Erica still hasn’t returned to school and Erica wasn’t the first girl. Shelby is one of those girls with that horrible split personality. She was able to fool all of the teachers and principal to thinking she was the sweetest angel in the entire school that would never hurt anyone and just wanted to finish high school. Everyone except all of the students and the nurse. Miss. Tracie saw right through Shelby. She was the one person you could turn to if Shelby had it out for you. Miss. Tracie couldn’t convince the other teachers to see what was right in front of them. Shelby was just that wrong. The school could be so much better with her gone and every single student back that hasn’t returned from their Shelby Experience.

“Mom, Dad ? Anyone home ?” I meant for my voice to be as soft as a whisper, but in the silence of the house, it echoed making it sound like a shout. There was a note on the table near the front door from Dad saying him and mom were going to be working late again, as usual. I made my way to the kitchen repeating my regular routine. Cook, eat, homework, shower, then bed. What else was I supposed to do ? I don’t have a family to come home to and spend time with. Then again, neither did Jason. Jason and my parents were best friends. Working late hours together. No rush to get home, which left Jason and I to come home to a big house of emptiness.

I heard my phone ringing right when I got out of the shower. Of course with me being Oliva, I just wrapped my towel around myself and ran to my phone.

“Ow ow ow ow !”

“Olivia, is that you ? Are you alright?”

“Oh, Hey Jason. Yea I’m fine,” I giggled it off. I held my phone between my shoulder and head and searched for some clothes that would keep me warm. I let out a scream when a whirl of wind entered my room from my window. “Olivia Oliva !? Are you sure you’re alright?” Typical Jason, always worried about me and his friends, never himself though.

“Don’t worry, I just forgot to close my window.” There was a long pause. A comfortable kind of silence though. “Jason… Winter is just around the corner. I don’t even need to know the day or month. I can feel it.” He let out a deep sigh. Probably lost in thought about our upcoming Winter Break.

“I know Olivia. I know… I’m guessing your parents aren’t home either.”

“Of course they aren’t. Our parents are always together. If one of them go out, they all go out.”

“Yea, that’s true. My Mom called me right after school telling me they were all two towns over on a Business Trip and were staying the night at a hotel they all rented.”

“Well at least your parents called. Mines left a note, as usual.” I heard a faint knock at the door. “Hold on Jason, someone’s at the door,” But our line was already disconnected. I made my way down stairs making sure to grab a blanket to wrap around myself. A strong gust of wind entered when I opened the front door and there he was. Just standing in the freezing cold smiling at me. “You know you’re really idiotic, right?” I waddled my way to Jason on the porch and let him in.

“God, that makes a difference,” he said when I invited him into the house and in my blanket. “Might as well stay together than alone again, right ?”

We both laughed, making our way up to my bedroom. Jason set up a little bed for himself on the floor next to my bed. “Hey, you awake Live?”

I mumbled into my pillow, “Yeah. I can’t fall asleep. Can you ?”

Jason made a rustling sound down beneath basically telling me, Hell No. The floor was as cold as outside. “Jason.” He looked up at me knowing what I would say. He was hesitant of course. “Come on. You’re going to get sick” His lips parted, as if he wanted to say something, but he said nothing. There was worry written all over his face. I sat up and patted the empty spot right next to me. He stood up and grabbed the pillow from the floor and made his way to the opposite side of my bed. He didn’t get in. He just stood there, still hesitant. I gave out a small laugh. “Don’t worry Jason. I trust you to behave yourself.” I peeled away the sheets waiting for him to get in. He just nodded. The bed shifted from the additional weight.

I pulled the sheets up to our necks hugging the blanket with everything I had. Jason and I laid there. Awake and listening to the howl of the wind from outside. The weekend was going to be a freezing one. “Can I ask you a question?”

“You already did.”

He paused, “Can I ask you two questions?

“You just did”

He groaned into the pillow obviously calling me a wise ass. He grabbed a small pillow and harmlessly hit my head with it. I smiled and turned on my side so I could face him. “Okay what did you want to ask?”

“You want to run away.” It wasn’t a question, but it was something both Jay and I wanted to do. Just to get away from it all. Get away from our parents. School. Everyone that ever caused any of us problems. I closed my eyes and just nodded. We both let out a deep sigh. I felt Jason reach out and start playing with my hair. “We should run away.” I let out a shy giggle and nodded again. When I opened my eyes, Jason was starring right at me again. Not at my hair, not at my shoulders. The fact that we were in the same bed didn’t seem to bother him anymore. He just held my eyes once more. “Live, you have really pretty eyes.” I smiled and thankfully he couldn’t see that I was blushing. “You have pretty eyes,” he repeated. “They glow a beautiful green, did you know that?” I just shook my head and starred at him. He looked so calm. It all felt right. Jason and I being this close.

“You too.” I reached out and traced the outline of his eyes with my finger. He smiled, both of our hands playing with each other’s hair. “Now sleep. You look really tired.” He didn’t argue with me. He just closed his eyes and drifted away, off into his slumber. I let out a quiet laugh witnessing how fast Jason fell asleep. Following him, I drifted away too. Hand in his hair, body’s far apart.