Status: Done;

Stay With Me

Chapter Four - Jason

I don’t know when it happened. But I guess some point when we were both sleeping far apart, we closed the distance and I woke to my head against Olivia’s. Her shoulder next to mine. My hand still in her hair and hers on my chest. I slipped out of bed hoping she didn’t realize. She didn’t even stir. The moment I stepped out of Live’s house I wanted to run back inside. There was no sun, just clouds making it so much colder. I ran as fast as I could to get inside my house, rushing to pack as much clothes in my bag. I got in my car and drove into town.

When I got back to the house Live was in her shower. I opened the door a little wider and jumped on her bed. I heard the water go off and I flipped over, making sure that my face was covered by the pillows. I heard her laugh when she stepped into the room. “Good Morning Olivia,” was all I could say. I could smell her. The scent of flowers. I didn’t know where she was. She moved so quickly and softly through her room.

I jumped when I felt her lips on my neck. “Good Morning Jason.” My head turned to face her and all I could do was smile. For the first time, I didn’t stare at her eyes. I stared at her lips. They weren’t the only one pleading. The house was quiet, except for the faint cry that I could read on Oliva. Plainly pleading, do it, just kiss me, kiss me, kiss me. My arms wrapped themselves around Live’s neck, pulling her on top of me. I rested my forehead against hers, starring at her. Her eyes were closed and she couldn’t hold back a smile. Neither could I. I brushed my lips on hers, ever so lightly then pulled away to lie back down. Oliva shifted her head to the side and just smiled. She lay right next to me, but so far away. I reached out and shifted her to me. I wonder if she heard my heart race when her head rested on my chest. “Good Morning Oliva,” I sighed.

“I called my mom. She said they probably won’t be back for another week or so.” Oliva didn’t move, I thought she fell asleep again, “There’s no surprise there,” she said, barely in a whisper. I quickly changed the subject, “I went out and got breakfast, you hungry?” She nodded and we both got up and went down to eat. After we were done we plopped ourselves on the couch in front of the tv. A big News Flash telling everyone that Winter might be coming early this year and to be careful.

“What should we do today?” Oliva didn’t answer though. My laugh echoed in the house when I saw that she fell back asleep. She looked so comfortable sleeping right next to me. I carried her up to her bedroom and let her sleep. I didn’t really feel like doing anything today either. In fact, I think Live was right, I was getting sick. I slid back into bed with her and ended up falling asleep.
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Sorry it's short -__-.' !
I can't help it if Jason's sick !