Status: Done;

Stay With Me

Chapter Six - Grace

I have no clue why, but I had a weird feeling that made me jump. I heard the front door open then shut close. I looked at my phone, it was 9:58. Why isn’t Jason sleeping yet? The stairs creaked, each step getting closer to my bedroom. I pretended to sleep again as Jason finally entered the room. I felt him brush his fingertips against my forehead before he went to go take a shower. The front door closed… Where did Jason go? My chest felt as if someone had just punched me. Did he meet up with Shelby after all ?....

I couldn’t hold back the tears that flowed down my cheek. He stepped out of the shower and I heard the sink turn on then off. The house suddenly went silent. I could hear the last drops of water falling from the faucet into the sink. I peaked from underneath of the blanket, I could see Jason from the mirror in my bathroom. He was starring at something in his hand. He stood there, lost in thought for the longest moments ever. Finally, I got out from under the sheets and made my way to the bathroom door. I peaked from the crack of the door. Jason looked up and saw my reflection in the mirror, he smiled at me and closed his hand, obviously making sure I couldn’t see what it was. I gently poked the door and watched it slowly open. I shut my eyes as tight as I could. Mistake One.

He whirled around quickly and walked up to me. Smearing the trail of tears, “Live? Oliva? What’s wrong?” I swallowed hard. I didn’t want to talk. But at the same time, I just needed to know if he went out to meet Shelby.

“Can I ask, where were you for so long?”

There was a long pause. He looked me right in the eyes then down at his hand.

“Where you with Shelby?” Three more tears slid down my cheek.

Shock written all over his face. His arms made their way around my neck. His forehead was against mines and he caught my eyes. “Oliva… I wasn’t with Shelby. I promise. I---“ he didn’t finish his sentence. Instead he stepped behind me and opened his hand for me to see. There were two necklaces in his hand. I looked at the mirror, “What is this?” He smiled and rested his head on my shoulder.

He separated the necklaces, showing me that in his right hand he held a heart with a key hole and in his left hand was a little key. He took the key and it fit perfectly into the hole in the middle of the heart. Jason lifted up my hair and placed the key around my neck and the heart around his. He lifted up the key and I finally saw there was more to both necklaces. On the sides of the key, the words,

My Perfect One and Only
I love you.

were perfectly engraved. He lifted up the heart he had around his neck and on the back it was also engraved with the words,

My Heart Beats Only For You
I love you.

I made a little gasping sound realizing what he had done. I turned around and hugged him for as long as I cold and he just held me. Both of our heads fitting perfectly in each others neck. “I wasn’t out meeting Shelby. I only planned on being gone for only 15 minutes or so but the engraving took longer than I expected.” Mistake Two. I really couldn’t help from crying, feeling foolish for doubting him.

“I’m so sorry Jason. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m so so sorry.”

He let out a sweet chuckle, “Shh shhh don’t worry. Oliva?”

I looked up at him, “Yes?”

Staring into each others eyes, “I love you. I love the way you care so much for everyone, even if it meant risking your happiness. I love the way that everyone knows they can trust you. I love that you’ve been there for me ever since we were young. I love everything about you. From your beautiful eyes, to your dark brown hair, to your laughs. Just everything about you. I love you Oliva. I truly do.”

Speechless. I couldn’t say anything except, “I love you too Jason.” I pulled myself up to him and kissed him as softly as I could. He deepened the kiss, turning off the light in the bathroom and leading us both to the bed. Jason tried saying something, failed attempt. He latched onto my neck whispering softly, “Thank you Olivia.” I smiled. I should be the one thanking him for all he’s done. I slid a finger under his chin and pulled him up so I was able to make eye contact with him.

“And what’s the reason for you to be thanking me? I haven’t done anything Jason.”

He didn’t reply at first. I dropped my hand from his chin watching his actions. He closed his eyes and his hands found mine. The warmth of just his hands, waking up the butterflies in my stomach. Jason placed both my hands on each side of his cheek and his hands rested lightly on mines. Jason exhaled one long breath, his breath smelling like coffee and something sweet. “Thank you… Just for everything Olivia. Just for being you.” I didn’t need another detailed explanation from him. Just knowing that he cares, makes me feel better. Makes me realize that this is real, that it’s not some dream that I’ll wake up from, without Jason next to me.

I shifted a bit before kissing his nose, “I’m the one that should be thanking you Jason.” Nothing can ruin this moment right here. We cuddled closer, sleep washing over both of us. We just laid there once more. Loving that we had finally done what we’ve both waited for, for so many years. I love you Jason Ray Willson. I truly do.
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