Status: Done;

Stay With Me

Chapter Eight - Jason

My legs finally obeyed my commands and I made my way into the shop. I heard a whistle from Jesse, one of my co-workers, behind a few shelves. “So you finally got her, eh.” I smiled and lightly pushed him as I passed by him.

“That was some scene you two made out there,” Rebecca, another co-worker, said aloud before laughing. Almost all of my co-workers the same age as me goes to the same school as Olivia and myself. I’ve known most of them ever since middle school, so of course they know about Olivia. No one has ever told her, but I talk about her a lot.

I chuckled, “Shut up you guys.” I work in a book store called Borders, not too far from where Olivia and I live. Since it’s almost Winter Break a lot of the younger kids and adults are off on trips getting off this island we call Hawaii. That probably means the store won’t be as busy as it usually is. Thankfully, when it’s Winter, it doesn’t snow. The temperature just drops dramatically.

I was right. The store wasn’t busy at all. Only a few people came in out of the store today, making the time go by slowly. To slow. I picked up my phone, no one will really care.

Hey. Store isn’t so busy. Whatchu up to? I miss you. –Jason. I pressed send and it wasn’t too long before I got a reply. I heard the bell ring meaning someone entered the store but I didn’t care enough to look up to see who it was. Probably just some costumer that won’t need my assistance.

Hi hi. Haha why don’t you look up, then maybe you’ll see.-Olivia. I looked at the text, totally confused. I checked my inbox again making sure I didn’t miss some other message she might’ve sent. Nothing. What the heck was she talking about? I gave up on the message and finally put my phone back into my pocket when I heard a giggle in front of me. Shit, a costumer. “I missed you too.” I looked up and Olivia was standing in front of the counter. “You know you aren’t the smartest boy right now.” I blushed a little. She gave me a little peck from over the counter sending a jolt throughout my body.

“You two are so cute,” Becca said as she and Jesse walked over to the counter. We just smiled at them both.

“Jay, you can leave you know. It isn’t busy at all so we’ll just close up early today.” I nodded and it wasn’t long before I made it to the other side of the counter, hugging Olivia. Laughter filling up the store.

“Missed you too,” Olivia repeated. Her lips brushing my ear making me shiver.

“Like I said, so cute.”

“Well I guess I’ll see you guys later,” they nodded and I tugged Olivia’s arm. She didn’t move though. “What’s the rush Jason?” I grumbled and carried her out of the store.

Olivia, Becca, and Jesse laughed, “Okay, Bye guys. See you later.” Olivia said before we were outside. I set her down but she pulled me back down to her, wrapping her arms around my neck while mines made my way around her waist. “Happy to see me?” She asked.

I gave her a quick peck, “Of course.” I pecked her lips again before biting her neck. She let out a squeal, “Okay, what do you want to do now then?”

We got in the car, “Let’s go home and watch a movie.” She nodded before pulling out of the parking lot.