Keep Your Hands off My Girl!

October 09,2006

October 09,2006
I was walking down Chestnut Street, when I bump into a person. “Oh I’m sorry.” I said standing back up. He just stood there, not moving. I tried to get a past him, but he moved in front of me. “Excise me.” I said. He moved to the right. As I started to walk past him when he gaped me by the arm. He pulled me to his front and he covered my mouth. I tried to scream, but soon gave up, realizing it was no use. He pulled me into an alley and pushed me up against the brick wall. “Scream and you’ll never see the world again.” I did as told as he pulled my pants down. He got me to the ground and raped me. The last thing I remember was someone yelling “Get away from her!” and foot steps.