Status: Writing.

Don't you recognize my face?

Chapter 2

Every day I get up at 7:45. Have no breakfast, trying to keep skinny, go to the bathroom and apply all my makeup.

I start with the bronze foundation, layering it on. Then the concealer. Then some blusher, making it looks like I’m very embarrassed. Lastly comes the eyeliner and heaps of mascara. Now, after getting dressed, I’m ready. Grabbing my bag and money I walk down to the bus stop.

I see my new best friend Janine, and run up to her and give her a hug. We gossip about her new boyfriend Shaun and I show her some pictures I want to put on Facebook. She agrees that nobody will pick out bad details and says I should put them on. I smile and take in her appearance;

She’s perfect, obviously. Her black hair long, tumbling and dead straight down her back, her eyes a bright blue and her face without any imperfection. Her skin is a tanned colour, like she’s just gone on holiday. She has the type of smile, that makes you trust her, but I know deep down, she’s a bitch. She’s wearing the school uniform, which is a dark blue blazer, shirt and tie, knee length skirt and high blue socks.

Nobody wears the skirt at knee length, not even the nerds. Janine’s skirt is way too short, but so is mine and everybody else’s. The boys come down the hill, out of the lot I see Liam’s cocky walk. I smile and walk up to him to give him a kiss on the cheek.

“Hey, babe, you okay?” He asks, he’s always kind to me.

“Yeah, baby, yourself?” I reply, smiling sweetly.

“Yeah, happy to see you of course” He says charmingly, and kisses me lightly on the mouth. I smile at him and kiss him back.

In the corner of my eye I see Shaun and Janine all over each other like a rash. He’ll be gone by the end of the week; Janine is such a user, though I would never say that to her face.
He wraps his arm around my waist and I put mine on his shoulder. We step onto the large double Decker bus as it arrives and get a opposite seats, me sitting next to Janine and Liam next to Shaun. We talk about going to Oceana on Saturday with the rest of our mates. Catching my reflection in the glass I smooth my hair and run my tongue over my teeth and prepare for school.

After turning into the turning circle, I leave the bus and go to the corner shop. It’s crowded with people from our school. I take off my school bag and dump it in the box with the rest. A strict no bag in shop policy. My bag is a side bag, which is flowery with gold handles and a sparkly material on the front. Nearly everyone in our group has a bag like it.

We get the coke and get out of there. Walking to school we some of the nerds. It’s not the people I used to hang out with. We walk past them, sneering and yelling out names. It’s not very nice, but without doing it, we wouldn’t be top at school. They have to be scared of us.
Turning into school, I leave Janine and meet up with Sian and walk into Tutor.
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new chapter :)
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