Without the Mask, Where Will You Hide?

Sleeping With The Light On

BANG! Heather woke with a start and glanced groggily at the clock. 3:37am. What the hell was she doing up? Then, as if purposely answering her question, she heard mutters in the kitchen, and hurried footsteps. She sat upright, biting her bottom lip in fear.
2 options: try climb out the window and climb down the fire escape in nothing but a t-shirt and under wear, or try get to the nearest phone in her apartment. Not wanting to cause a scene on the streets of Gotham on her first night there, she chose the latter.
She tip-toed over to the door, quietly opening it and peeking out. She could hear them rooting through the presses in her bathroom. She quickly opened the bedroom door and as quietly as she possibly could, ran across the kitchen, grabbed the phone and sat behind the counter, dialling. No dial tone. The phone had been unplugged.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” came an amused voice that belonged to a smirking face of a man who towered over Heather. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her up onto her feet.
“Jeez, Mark, I knew she was good lookin’ but I never knew we’d get this lucky!” said the second, slightly shorter man. She recognised them both as the two men who had been muttering among themselves in the bar earlier that evening. So Heather did what any normal person would do at this point. She screamed.
As if on cue, there was the sound of a sudden crash of glass, and the hand holding Heather’s hair was gone. She looked at the scene before her.
Batman punched, kicked, hit any part he could reach of the two men, who were certainly no match for him. Before long, the two men were knocked to the floor. Without a word, or even the slightest glance, Batman bent to check their pulse.
“Are they...?” Heather began, her voice slightly shaking.
“Alive,” Batman replied. His voice surprised Heather. She had always imagined him to speak in a deep voice, but instead, a scratchy, almost strained voice was used. She nodded. “Are you ok?” He continued. She nodded again.
Suddenly, she blushed, realising she wasn’t dressed in the most appropriate clothes. She tugged at the bottom of her t-shirt, feeling her cheek heat up. She didn’t know whether she should introduced herself, or run to her room and put clothes on. Batman took no notice, but instead began making his way back to the window.
“Wait!” Heather said a little more loudly than she intended to. He stopped, turning his head slightly to listen to what she was about to say. “Erm...” Heather didn’t actually know what she wanted to say. She just didn’t want to be left alone.
“Be careful,” he said, turning back to the window and jumping. Heather sighed. Deciding the best thing for her now would be some sleep, she walked slowly towards her beloved bed. Rethinking the whole nights events, Heather fell into a dreamless sleep, not knowing that her first encounter with the Batman, was certainly not her last.
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