When You Come Back to Me Again

When You Come Back To Me Again

There’s a ship out, on the ocean
At the mercy of the sea
Its been tossed about, lost and broken
Wandering aimlessly
And God somehow you know that ship is me

It burned to even go near it. Scared you, made you fearful. That’s what fire was. Fear. Blazing orange and red, and a little bit of black to mix in. The smell stuck to you, never went away. Not afterwards. No, it stayed with you—especially if you lost someone.

And I ran. I ran so fast, protecting the little girl who was still sleeping soundly in my arms, not aware of Fear lurking, Fear burning high, smelling terrible, suffocating us all. You were still in there, trying to get rid of Fear. Trying to rid of it.

Cause theres a lighthouse, in the harbor
Shining faithfully
Pouring its light out, across the water
For this sinking soul to see
That someone out there still believes in me,

Your funeral was horrible. Fear still hung over the town, everyone suffering the loss. You were well known, and lovely person to be around, everyone knew of you, probably talked to you at least once. They all mourned.

I still smelled it, could almost see it, burning high and mighty, practically telling me, I’ll take everything you have. And it did. It took everything I ever lived for. Except for this little girl. She’s the one thing that could keep me going.

On a prayer, in a song
I hear your voice and it keeps me hanging on
Raining down, against the wind
I’m reaching out till we reach the circles end
When you come back to me again,

But you still come to me in my dreams. Barely there, I touch just the tip of you fingertips, enough to keep me hanging on for another day. I need your voice, I need to see your precious face, hazel eyes glowing with love and enjoyment.

Dreams just aren’t enough.

There’s a moment we all come to
In our own time and our own space
Where all that we’ve done, we can undo
If our hearts in the right place,

And I beg you, I beg God, for you to come back. Because this little girl misses her dad, and her daddy misses his husband, and we’re both just so tired of this horrible sadness washing over us. It doesn’t seem fair, it doesn’t seem right.
On a prayer, in a song
I hear your voice and it keeps me hanging on
Raining down, against the wind
I’m reaching out till we reach the circles end
When you come back to me again,

I make her watch home videos of us everyday. There’s me and you at Disney World, there’s me and you playing in concert, and there’s me and you and her when she was first born to her surrogate mother. She loves seeing your face, even now. She touches her tiny fingers to the screen, just like I do in my dreams, and grins, whispering your name.

She sees your smiling face, hears your precious laughter, and she smiles and laughs. She giggles hysterically when I tackle you and you start shrieking like a girl as I lick you. She cries when you cry at our wedding.

And at the end of the video, where I put the final words, She lets out a sob, and I hug her tight, as the photographs of the fire burn higher than Fear does.

We both hate it now. We hate the smell of burning leaves, we hate bonfires, we hate it all.

And with a picture of you, and picture of us, and a picture of the fire, the final words speak for us.

We’ll be waiting, when you come back to us again.

I love you Gerard….