Thus the Siren of Blood Was Born

Chapter One

"Mum it's beautiful, thank you."

Crystal said softly to her mother, she'd bought her a brand new dress to wear this fall. Particularly for Thanksgivings, which would come next month. Tonight is All Hallow's Eve, Crystal's sixteenth birthday. She had been spending the day and evening with her family, her friends. Her mother, father, brother and sister were all that were left now, since it was drawing close to nine forty five at night.

"I think this was the best birthday ever."

Crystal told her parents and they smiled happily, knowing they'd done a great job for their little girl.

It was true, Crystal had received everything she'd wanted for her birthday and even more. She'd have been happy without the presents, however, because she loved her family and friends. Though, she didn't receive any wicca things, which is what the sixteen year old was really into; that was okay. She could gather the things she needed for spells by herself, without money from her parents.

Her parents, even she, was Catholic and it was highly against their religion to believe in such things as witchcraft and wiccandry. But Crystal couldn't help herself. When she discovered magic, she discovered a world of fun and possibilities.

Her parents had forbade her from doing magic, thinking it was all the devils work and perhaps it was...but for some reason, Crystal thought that the things she did would one day be welcomed and would one day save peoples lives.

She'd already cured some of her mothers rumatism, that was proof enough that just maybe, Crystal was meant to do this sort of stuff. This stuff, it was her calling. It gave her reason to live. At sixteen, no girl thinks it's going to be her last night on Earth or her last birthday. But it was Crystal's.

"Crystal, could you put the book down please and help us get these things inside?"

"Of course Mum,"

the girl nodded when her Mother asked and she began to pick things up and take them into the house. It was nearly all put away when noises began to sound from behind the bushes and in the treeline of the woods behind their home in the small village in England.

"What's that?"

Her younger sister asked and Crystal shrugged,

"probably just some bats. Let's get on inside."

But when they turned to go inside, a male stood at the door. A charming looking fellow, to be quite honest.

"The party's ending so soon,"

Angelus said with his still rather thick Irish accent. The girl was scared, that much was certain, but he didn't mind. The smell of her being frightened, the pick up in her hearts rhythm... it just made it all the more fun for Angelus at least.

"At only a quarter to ten at night. Pity, it could go all the way until midnight. After all, it's All Hallow's Eve only once a year isn't it?"

The vampire had assumed it had only been a Halloween party, not a birthday party. He smirked as he walked a little closer to the family. The father and mother of the three children stood in front of their kids, keeping the male from harming them.

"Don't come any closer..."

the father started, his voice sounding strained yet artificially firm and Angelus chuckled,

"or what? You'll kill me? You can't kill the dead."

His face changed... Angelus, was a vampire. The family shrieked, stumbling back and right into the midsts of Angelus' posse, Darla, Drusilla and Spike. The Father had heard such rumors of vampires, the Devil's creatures but hadn't ever seen one until now. They'd never lived in fear of them, until now.

"This one is strong,"

Darla said to Angelus as she wrapped her arms around the eldest child, Crystal, to keep her there, so she wouldn't run. Crystal didn't plan on running, she was enamored at the thought of the vampires...though she was afraid.

"I want the children,"

Drusilla giggled like a mad little school girl, the mad little girl she truly was beginning to show as she looked down at the younger boy and girl.

"Bloody hell then I guess I've got the parents,"

Spike licked over his fangs as his face slowly turned. At least he was getting blood, he didn't really give a second thought as to where the blood was coming from. Angelus chuckled,

"Share the parents with Darla, Spike. I want this myself,"

Angelus walked slowly to the girl which Darla was holding, the strong one, the eldest, Crystal. He ran a finger nail down her cheek causing a shiver to run up and down her spine.

"You're strong indeed.." The Irish male commented.

"What are you going to do to me?" Crystal asked, a question that any little girl in a helpless situation would ask. It was very stupid, to Angelus.

"What do vampires do?" Angelus asked, tilting his head to the side a little.

"We drink your blood." He hissed; diving in as Darla still held her, to the gorgeous young things neck, sinking his fangs into her jugular, drinking from her until she was nearly empty, placing his own bleeding wrist at her lips.

Drusilla took the children at the same time and when Angelus was finished with the blonde-girl, Darla and Spike shared the parents. Spike getting the mother, Darla getting the father. It was such a family picnic for the vampires, it was true. They looked at themselves as a family. And this girl...she would make such a good counterpart.

"She's stronger than even Dru,"

Angelus commented. Drusilla had the power to predict future events... Even if the clues weren't clear at first, they soon became clear and allowed the vampires to escape danger or find good prey.

But this girl, something about her.. he didn't know what it was at the time, but something was radiating off of her. She was stronger than perhaps even he was. If that were possible.

"Leave them for dead. She'll rise on All Souls Day."

Darla pointed out to Angelus and he nodded, starting into the woods with his family of vampires. They'd return on All Souls Day, to be by her graveside when she awoke from death.
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Hope you enjoyed this first chapter! More to come soon!

Word Count: 1,004