Thus the Siren of Blood Was Born

Chapter Seven

Crystal was not happy. Crystal was fuming, furious, piss burnt brown. Last night had been the worst night of her life. The pleasure had been immense, almost more than the young vampire could handle. But when she felt Spike's hands upon her instead of Angelus' it turned to pure discomfort, displeasure, distaste.

Today, while everyone else slept...which was only Spike and Angelus considering Darla and Dru never returned before dawn; Crystal sat there upon her own little bed and stewed in her hatred towards Angelus. Yet now, after him taking something so precious to her as her virginity... Crystal felt another new string that bonded them. Binded them together.

Angelus had been thinking by now, surely Crystal would have... what's the word... broke. No, he didn't want her insane like Dru, a snobby bitch like Darla, but he wanted her to have some sort of dependence on him. Angelus wanted Crystal to feel like she'd surely die without him. Honestly, he thought she would. Honestly, he thought she did. in his head he'd been thinking Crystal was completely dependent on him but...she wasn't. She wouldn't stoop so low as to depend on him like that.

None of them could have ever imagined the blood-lusting beast that she'll one day turn into. But that's a little too far into the future. Every night, Angelus played with his new sex toy. Most nights, Crystal enjoyed it...but when he let Spike join in... it reminded Crystal that Angelus and she weren't "meant to be"; the two of them didn't "love" each other. The "sweet things" he said and did to her all were shot to hell when he let Spike to her.

It was foolish of Crystal to even think that Angelus did love her and it was just more proof to her that he didn't when he let Spike join in as well. If he truly did love her, he'd want her to himself, he wouldn't want to share. But over time, the more this happened... well, the more broken Crystal became.

A while ago, Darla had began making Crystal about as vain as she was. But now, it was evident even more so that Crystal was even more beautiful than Darla had laid off of being around Crystal. Drusilla had been teaching Crystal how to read the stars, and of course how to play with her food still. Dru always had new, fun ideas when it came to that. Torture was becoming more and more fun to the young blonde vampire. Spike had been showing Crystal how to fight and honestly,

"The little blonde bug-gar is gettin' good."

Spike commented to Angelus as they talked about how different she was now than just a while ago. The breaking began on her birthday in October 1889. It was now middle of the year 1890.

"She might be able to give ye a run at your money mate,"

Spike said as Angelus continued to look as if he was thinking....hard. Angelus could envision Crystal as a killing machine, yes. Hell, he'd seen what she was able to do already. But she'd been so hard to mold into someone who truly enjoyed the kill.

"Practice makes perfect."

Angelus admitted and licked over his lips as the three women came back into their new home here in Russia. The vampires, all of them, had been enjoying all the roam around area of the vast country. Not to mention the theater. Darla enjoyed going and seeing romances, Angelus himself enjoyed seeing the bloodier pieces of the theater but found himself, despite being evil, being moved to tears during the production of Giselle.

Something that only Crystal had found out about. Angelus had intended to go there and kill the star of the show, drink her dry but ended up leaving with a sick feeling to his stomach, not even being able to think of draining a human dry. It noted to Crystal that perhaps, Angelus was not as evil as he thought he was. It noted to Crystal, that perhaps, each vampire has a conscience and only some of them use it. It seemed to Crystal, she used her conscience the most...but that perhaps, Angelus used his occasionally as well.

Though, Angelus was infamous for killing anyone. Women, men, babies, young children. You name it, he's done it. Crystal knew Angelus was the scourge of the Earth. Of Eurasia anyway. What was she though? She wasn't any better. Crystal drank a ton of innocent people dry and didn't feel any type of remorse anymore for them. None of them did. They were incapable of it.

Another year passed and then another. Crystal was becoming more and more just what Angelus wanted her to be. Crystal depended on him. When Angelus wasn't there, she felt very incomplete. She felt alone, like she had just been stabbed in the heart with a stake. Crystal depended on him for feeding now, depended on him to be there for her to fall asleep during the daylight hours. Depended on him to keep her safe from the angry mobs and Slayer.

She was a pawn. Now that she had officially been broken, well, Angelus knew just what he was going to do with her.

Rome, Italy, 1894. Sometime in November; Crystal had just turned twenty-two human years old, six vampyric years old. The blonde female couldn't help but think over the last six years with her master and his cohorts. She couldn't believe it'd already been that long that they'd been traveling with one another. They hadn't even came this close to being back towards England in a long time. They were in Italy, however. Somewhere they'd never spent much time at in the past.

"I want you to slaughter every fucking person in this town, Crystal. Make them hurt. Make them remember us. Remember you."

Angelus growled into his lil' puppets ear and she nodded, her hands reaching back and tugging at his hair. Crystal was such a puppet to Angelus now, she'd have done anything. She'd have killed anyone to make him happy. To keep him with her, was the reason she kept telling herself in her head. The more she killed, the less remorse she felt for her victims. The more she killed, the more she forgot her previous victims. Though, one victim still was fresh on her mind, all the time; her first victim. That first night of being a vampire will haunt her forever.

Crystal sat out on an absolute frenzy. A vampire's life indeed it was. That night she made Rome fall to its knees. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it sure fucking fell in one night. The whole gang, Angelus, Spike, Darla and Dru included helped the city fall. But there was one thing they weren't all expecting... an older Immortal Vampire captured Angelus and Spike. The elder vampire had such a leverage over women that he easily talked Dru and Darla into making love with him in front of the two male vampires. This elder vampire, it was indeed Dracula.

Something Angelus and Spike wanted to do with the two of them; at the same time, for what felt like a lifetime. But there was one thing, this elder vampire, Dracula wasn't expecting. He knew nothing about Crystal. She hadn't made a name for herself quite like the other four had. It came to him as a shock when she appeared and apparently, he had no influence over her either.

"You can't get to my mind,"

Crystal smirked and within just a blink of an eye, she was behind him. Crystal had given herself quite a few extra perks to fight him due to a few spells and incantations. Including the one where he couldn't affect her mind whatsoever.

"You smell of a witch, but you're the undead," Dracula said rather surprised, a stake appearing in Crystal's hands.

"I'll be the greatest witch to ever live. I'll outlive many because of my wit,"

she smirked and lunged at him. The two fought for what felt like ages. Of course, watching from a cage, Angelus was rather...on edge. Several times it seemed to him that Dracula was going to get the best of his Crystal. But just as quickly as she became weak, she became strong again. At last, the stake was drove deep into a heart and luckily, it was the undead non-beating heart of Dracula.

"Student has surpassed teacher,"

she muttered and tossed the stake down, looking over at the cage and the door swung open. So many years of practicing witch craft had paid off. She could move things with her mind, including unlocking doors. Looking over to Darla and Dru, she smirked,

"you two are weak."

With that, the blonde vampire started to walk out, as if she had just took the ringleader spot in this sideshow circus of vampires.
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Word Count: 1,456

This is more or less a filler chapter, but I hope you liked it!