Thus the Siren of Blood Was Born

Chapter Eight

After saving Angelus and Spike both from Dracula, Crystal was most certainly in higher regards with both. Darla and Drusilla too even fell back in line and let the youngest vampire take her role as leader. Of course, Crystal would never truly lead; not without her Master by her side. Angelus still called all the shots; in her mind, he always would.

But Spike, Darla and Dru; they listened to Crystal now. Something they hadn't really ever done in the past. There was no teaching Crystal how to fight anymore from Spike; no teaching her how to be vain from Darla; no teaching her how to play with her food from Dru. Crystal had surpassed them all.

Crystal's witchcraft studies had awakened powers deep inside of her that Angelus had never even dreamed of when he first smelled the power that could possibly become of her all those years ago. After seeing her kill Dracula all by her lonesome, Angelus himself hadn't even stepped a toe out of line. For fear that, just like she said,

student may surpass the teacher in more ways than one.

For the next four years, the five of them made Europe bleed. From Italy in 1894 to Spain in 1895, Finland in 1896 to Hungary in 1897. At last in 1898, they'd reached a place they'd never been before. A country called, Romania. The vampire legend lived heavily in Romania due to a little section called, Transylvania. A legend of Dracula, whom Crystal had the pleasure of killing back in 1894 in Italy.

They each had their fantasies. Dru and Darla wanted to find the son of Dracula, power purposes and... he was supposedly the most handsome of all vampires. Even more handsome than his father Dracula or Angelus, if at all possible. Spike and Angelus however wanted to murder him, take over his reign and control the vampyric world.

Crystal, however. She just wanted another target to use her advanced powers on. Dracula, whom she'd killed knew nothing of her nor her witch-like powers. There was no way in hell this 'son of Dracula' would either. But after several weeks there in Romania, it seemed that the son of Dracula was going to be a no show.

For the last four years, since saving Angelus and Spike; Darla has taken note that Crystal was Angelus' favorite and planned on swaying him back over to her side. That young little bitch didn't deserve HER puppet, Darla thought to herself as she waited for him to return, a little surprised waiting there on the floor of her room.

When Angelus did return, Spike, Dru and Crystal not with him... he was quite surprised to find Darla there, with a human hog-tied sacrifice it seemed. What the special occasion was, he did not know. Honestly, Angelus didn't need one to drain a human dry.

"Why Darla, you shouldn't of had."

Angelus smirked, a purr from his throat. His Irish accent still to this day got to Darla herself. In moments like this, he toned it up just so it would get to her even more; something she most certainly wasn't going to get mad at him over. Not right now anyway...

"Just a little something to show you that I still, care,"

Darla smirked herself and shoved Angelus towards the hog-tied girl in the floor; not wanting him to waste another precious moment. She wanted this to be between the two of them, just like the good old days. Before Dru, before Spike and most certainly before Crystal.

Getting down onto the floor, he yanked the cloth from the girls mouth; he and Darla always did enjoy the screams and dipped his head down, his fangs extending as he sank them into her thigh. It was much like how Crystal had drained the boy those years ago... he more or less decided to mimic her to get Darla going. Darla knew he was doing that, to piss her off even... but she couldn't help to be rather....turned on. Watching HER Angelus do something so...evil, it always did make her pizazz wheel spin.

After draining the girl dry, Angelus and Darla engaged in festivities of their own for quite sometime... before taking off into the night for one final kill to sate their blood-lust. One thing Darla didn't let Angelus know was... the girl he just drained dry prior to their festivities was the favorite daughter of a tribe of gypsies. A daughter who was meant to go on and have great potential there in Romania, with her tribe... something that Angelus just stole her of.

When Crystal returned with Spike and Dru, there were no signs of Darla nor Angelus anywhere. This worried Crystal somewhat but... she figured the two of them just got caught up in a blood frenzy elsewhere and would be back in the two hours left before sunlight. The young vampire was worn out honestly; Dru and Spike as well. The three of them had caused quite the bloodshed over the last six hours of darkness.

By in the morning, still no word from Darla and Angelus; well, the three of them began a ravage search. Crystal could feel something, in her chest again... It was like a stake... or even a cross burning her from the back. Angelus wasn't there to love her, he wasn't there for her to need... yet she needed him most right now.

Rage was starting to set in,


When Crystal got this mad, well Spike and Dru both knew to head for the hills. Because sure enough, just as they escaped the house and headed away from it someways; the house exploded. You could call Crystal an 1800's version of today's "Katie Kaboom".

Thus, the search for Angelus began... a search that, was going to end in devastation.
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Word Count: 972

Sue me, it's short. I think it fits, thank you very much.