Thus the Siren of Blood Was Born

Chapter Nine

For a long time Crystal didn't know how to cope with the loss of Angelus. It's not like she truly lost him... more like he had lost her. For a few years, Crystal was certain Angelus had picked Darla over her and had taken off, going back to the days of it just being Darla and Angelus. "The glory days," he sometimes referred to them as.

But in 1905, Crystal found out from Spike and Dru when she crossed their paths again; that wasn't the case. They had seen Darla and Angelus wasn't with her and hadn't been for quite sometime she said. From the way she spoke, Spike figured he went and got himself dusted.

That news, that's what broke the camel's back so to speak. It broke Crystal. Angelus had always wanted to see her breakdown and depend on him like never before...that news, it shattered the vampire of seventeen years. To think that Angelus didn't exist anymore. To think he'd never have his arms around her again... it tore Crystal up inside.

It was a feeling that vampires weren't suppose to feel. Vampires weren't suppose to feel anything, honestly. But Crystal knew, she absolutely knew, she had been in love with her sire, Angelus. Whether he had felt the same way about her or not, that was questionable.

Another few years past and by 1907, the despair that Crystal felt was slowly turning into rage, just like the night she blew up the house all those years ago. But the rage manifested itself differently this time. Blood-lust.

Crystal fashioned herself a new name, "Kandyl Myst," and with that new name came a new reputation. She was no longer Crystal Morgan, the little girl who died at sixteen years old at the hands of Angelus and became his little vampyric puppet. No, Kandyl was the new scourge of Europe.

Killing from 1907 until 1915, Kandyl traveled and did her worst. She massacred and leveled entire cities. Things Angelus would have been proud to see her do. She did it in his name, honestly. When she returned to England in 1916, they fashioned her a new nickname. "The Siren of Blood." Kandyl was quite happy with this reputation.

When the first world war broke out, she decided to head to the new world, America. It was a territory she'd never been before and was quite different. For a while, Kandyl forgot all about murdering and blood lust and just took in the sights and cultures of the new world. She came over at Ellis Island, New York City...and could have sworn, for just a second...she smelled Angelus.

By 1918, Kandyl resumed her murderous life here in the new world. She was becoming a scourge there as well. A demonic entity that the Americans thought they had escaped when they came here. They thought they'd left the vampires in the old world. Their mistake...

Around 1925, Kandyl made her way to Chicago, the windy city. And boy, windy was it! The smell of human blood was almost too much for Kandyl to take in this city. The wind blew it in every which direction, you couldn't escape it unless you perhaps buried yourself or drowned yourself. She didn't stay in Chicago long, and again, she could have swore she smelled her sire.

From about 1927 until 1940, Kandyl continued her plague against America by herself. But when Spike was captured away from Drusilla in early 1941, Dru found her old play-mate Kandyl and the two wrecked havoc upon America up until 1944, when they found a newly escaped Spike.

Spike informed Kandyl of something that she never thought she'd be informed of... Angelus was alive. He wasn't himself, he wasn't Angelus anymore. No, he had a soul. This news sent Kandyl into a spiral. Would she have killed all those people if she'd have known Angelus was alive? Probably not, she was never meant to be the monster he'd created her to be! But she wanted to be that monster for him! Always for him!

Kandyl ran as far away from Spike and Dru as she could, ending up in New York City once again. For the last fifty seven years that Kandyl had been a vampire, ever since her first kill... she'd been careful not to kill someone she knew. Someone that was kin to someone she previously knew. In New York City, in 1945, she went too far. Kandyl ended up drinking dry the granddaughter of her very best friend from back home. How did she knew this?

After Kandyl was invited inside the woman's home, after murdering her, she looked upon the bureau and there, in black and white, was an old tattered photograph of Kandyl and her best friend. Feeling a pang of guilt within her undead, non-beating heart; Kandyl lifted the picture and read the back.

"Grandmother Rosa and her best friend, Crystal, who was horribly murdered with her family at only the age of sixteen. Grandma Rosa went on to marry and have five children, one of which was a daughter, My Mother, she named Crystal after her best friend."

Kandyl was scared into a conscience. The smell of human blood after that night hardly even bothered her. It got her into thinking, into practicing her witchcraft again. If Angelus could be cursed by gypsies into having a soul, then maybe, a witch could give herself a soul? So the vampire started to research as much as she possibly could and within a few years, 1950 to be exact, she finally had everything she needed for the spell to be a success.

The soul wasn't a burden to Kandyl, as long as it kept her from being the monster she once was. She could live with the guilt, the pain of remembering every single person she'd slaughtered and drank dry. As long as she no longer was a monster, Kandyl could live with all the pain and then some. The only pain she couldn't bare any longer, was the pain of not knowing where Angelus was.

Thus, Kandyl started to desperately search for her sire...
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Word Count: 1,009