Sequel: Cuddles and Cupcakes



Alexandretta looked around the platform anxiously. Where is Bella? she thought, frowning. Alex's heart rose as she saw a tangle of red hair, hoping it was George. As of late, it wasn't one without the other in that relationship, and as much as Fetti hated that sappy clingy hogwash, it did make finding one of them a lot easier. No, it was just Fred, flicking a trick coin between his long, slender fingers. "Fred!" she called, standing on her tiptoes to see over the crowd. Fred's eyes lit up, he had had a crush on Alex since her first day. "Ali, Ali, Ali, looking forward to seeing your lover-boy? Speaking of lovers, where's your partner in crime?" Fred said with a smile. "I was going to ask you the same thing!" "They're probably off snogging somewhere. God, once those two touch tounges, it's like a magnet!" the pair giggled at each other, and Fred shuffled his feet awkwardly. "I don't suppose you'd like to ride in my cart? Usually we would anyway, because of the lovebirds, but maybe we should get to know each-other more, seeing as you'll be my sister in law." Fred joked. Alex was too preoccupied with trying to find her friend, and walked away, leaving Fred disappointed.

The whistle sounded, and the train doors closed without the quidditch team's seeker, and the only person who could win the magic performance competition with their 'Make a cake appear out of nowhere' trick on board.

As the train began to move, a mess of wet hair, muddy knees and mismatched clothing appeared in the corner of Alexandretta's eye.