Sequel: It's All Just Fiction
Status: Entry for a contest!

Pinwheel Love

First and Last Chapter

Meet] me at the train tracks, I read for the hundredth time. It was a note scribbled on a napkin. A note from a boy that I’ve been madly in love with since the sixth grade. Now, we were Juniors. That’s a long time to have fallen in love with someone, and have not acknowledged it out loud. It was obvious to everyone, except him.

As I reread the note, excitement bubbled in my stomach. Anticipation was flowing through my veins as I walked towards my destination. As I was walking to the train tracks, Guns N' Roses was blasting out of the little ear phones I had shoved hastily into my ears. Their song, Civil War was playing. This song was created for the men and women over in Iraq, fighting for us to be a free country.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I stumbled a little on some tree roots. I didn’t realize how close I was to the train tracks until I looked up, and I saw the tree that I carved my in where I would come as a child. I’d come here to hide from my parents when I was frustrated with them. I still came here. But this time, when I was frustrated with my friends, and boyfriends. And Jimmy.

“Jayden!” I heard a familiar voice call out. I looked up, and I saw him. Jimmy. My heart almost stopped beating when I saw that beautiful man in front of me. I yanked my ear phones out, and I shut off my iPod. I stuffed it into my pocket, not caring if it broke.
“Jimmy!” I yelled, and I ran over towards him. I hugged him tight, and breathed in his scent. He smelled of cigarettes, and Bod.

I pulled away from the hug. I looked him over. His black hair was in its usual upright position, and I saw that he was wearing the AC/DC shirt I gave him for his birthday, and a stripped sweatshirt thrown carelessly over the shirt. It was unzipped and hung loosely around his tall frame. He was about 6’2. That’s a quite difference in height compared to my 5’2 structure. He didn’t have a lot of muscles, but he wasn’t exactly scrawny, either. He was just right.

“What’s up, Jim?” I asked. I was truly curious as to what brought this meeting on.

“Jayden.” He sighed. He looked at me, and he had a sad look in his eyes. His eyes told me everything he was feeling. Anger, sadness, hatred. Hatred towards me? “I’m moving. I’m moving to California.”

“What? No! You can’t! You’re my best friend!” I started off quiet, but my voice was rising.

“I’m so sorry. Jayden, I don’t have a choice. My parents are making me. You know that I would never leave you by choice, right?” He asked, staring into my eyes.
I sighed sadly. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Jay.” He put his forefinger and thumb under my chin, making me look him in the eyes. “There’s something else I wanted to tell you.”

I looked at him expectantly. I was surprised when he crashed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back with as much force. It was a fierce, yet tender kiss. The kiss was full of hunger, and lust. His fingers intertwining into my long dark brown hair.

“Wow.” I said. I looked at him in amazement. I looked in his crystal blue eyes, and I saw my chocolate brown orbs staring back.

“I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you since Freshman year. I didn’t know what that feeling was. It was scary. I mean, I had this urge to protect you, from everything. I was jealous whenever another guy would talk to you. But, I finally realized what this feeling was.” He said, and he kissed me again, this time softer. Something was poking my right arm, which was wrapped around his waist.

I pulled away from the kiss, and I looked at him oddly. I unwrapped my pink and blue stripped arm from his waist, and looked at the thing that was poking my arm. It turned out to be a tan stick. I looked up at Jimmy oddly. He just smiled. He reached down, pulled one of those wheel things out of his pocket. Like, you know when you blow on it, and it spins. It had a pink wheel, and was decorated with white hearts. He offered it to me, knowing that pink was one of my favorite colors. I took it willingly.

“I wanted to give it to you. Remember, that time we went to the carnival? When we were in like…Wow! That was last year! But you got so upset that you weren’t able to buy one. You didn’t know what they were called, but you kept yelling that you wanted one. You wouldn’t give up on it. And, finally, I just bought one for you.” Jimmy chuckled a little at the memory. I smiled a bit.

“Remember, these are called pinwheels. I just thought that I would give it to you, you know, as one last thing to remember me by.” Jimmy said, and my eyes filled with tears.

“Why do you have to go? Who’s going to be my partner in crime? Come on, Jimmy! Who’s going to help me prank Principle Sturke?”My voice cracked, tears rolling freely down my cheeks.

Jimmy wiped a tear away with his forefinger. “Don’t cry sweet-cheeks.” I smiled sadly at his nickname for me. “Don’t worry! I'll write you letters, and call you. Everyday!”

“Pinky promise?” I asked.

“Pinky promise.” He promised, holding out his pinky finger for me. I laughed a little, and I stuck my pinky out. I wrapped my pinky tightly around his beautiful, long white one, and we shook our hands.

“Jimmy, I love you. Always and forever.” I said, and he looked at me.

“Love you, too, babe.” He said, and he walked away, his head hung down. You could tell that he was sad as he walked along.

The town in front of him was empty. There was no one to question him, or look at him disapprovingly because of the piercing on his face, or because of his choice of clothes.
I watched him walk. I watched him walk away from me, and the future that we could have had. I watched him until he disappeared from my eyesight.

He just made me the happiest person in the whole world. But then he destroyed that happiness. That man held my heart in his hand, and he crushed it. It seemed he had no sympathy. But, I was still madly in love with him. I would put my life before his in a heart beat. At least he promised to text me, call me, and write me letters. But does that promise really mean anything? We all know that that promise won’t be kept for long.

I stared at the train tracks that looked so cold and lonely. The train tracks that about half an hour ago, I was so excited to meet the love of my life at. My grip on the pinwheel was loosening, and it eventually slipped through my fingers, and crashed to the damp ground. Tears started pouring out of my eyes like a water fall.

“Jimmy. I love you.” I whispered into the darkness that was starting to surround me.
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1,242 word count