Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name

Ch.1 Intro

Darkness calling my name, yearning for me to join.
Each night I refuse, and each night I pay for my refusal.
As I refuse, I can feel the punishment coming again, like I do every night.
I'm in this dark abyss and out of nowhere I hear the manic laughter from all around me.
I try to scream for help, and I try to move, but nothing works. I'm stuck.
As the laughter gets louder, gets closer, my heart begins to accelerate so much that it feels like it's going to beat out of my chest.
They finally come into view, these demonic monsters. Black wings, piercing, yellow eyes, and those gross sharp-teethed smiles that haunt me to this day.

Their bony, black, old hands with sharp claws, dig into my skin as they grab a hold of me and pull me down.
I feel tears come on, because even though the nightmare is about to end, there is still that one last final thing they do...
As I can no longer see through my tears, I hear their blood curdling screeches as they scratch and scratch on my legs, and laugh their crazy laugh.
And then I feel the end coming...the good part...
Their enjoying my punishment, but then, I see the huge burning light though my blurred, watery vision, and I hear the screeches crescendo, as I feel their claws finally leave my skin, and I feel the air rushing past, as they run away as fast as possible...
And then I hear that voice, the reason why I say no to those evil creatures every night.

"Thank you, Summer."

He comes into view and picks me up. At the first touch of his hands, the scratches and everything is healed. He holds me while I cry it all out.
I finally had the courage to speak... "Jesus, why do you let it happen every night? What am I doing wrong? I choose you every time."

He smiles that sweet, warm smile of his and says, "I dont let it happen. I wait for you to have the ability to speak my name out loud in front of them, and stand against them."

"But then how do you save me every time? I never call you?"

"Because, child, I will not let you suffer anymore. I will always be here to pick you up after what's done, and heal you then. I cannot interfere unless you call on me."

But didn't he understand? I couldn't speak....OR move. It wasn't that I didn't have the courage to...I couldn't. I've tried and tried. Maybe one night I can get this right. I just now finally got the courage to speak to Jesus, so maybe I can get the courage and strength to rebuke those demonic creatures, and stand up for myself.
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Hope you guys like it!