Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name


So of course Dylan found out about the date, when Aaron got home.

Dylan came over to my house the next day and talked to me.

"Summer, I really like you..."

"I know, Dylan, but your brother...Aaron...."

"What about Aaron? I would be better for you..."

"Actually I don't think so. Aaron's personality balances out with mine perfectly. Of course we can be friends, but I would like it if you could find feelings for someone else. Ever think about my best friend Sarah?"

"The one who sits with you on the bus?"

"Yeah! She thinks you're super cute, and I think you guys would be great together. She needs a guy like you."

"Yeah? Really?"


"...Okay I'll try and go for her...what if she's not interested?"
"Dylan, don't lose that cocky confidence. Even though you only do it because your brother does it, doesn't mean that sometimes its hot when you're playing it right."

"Oh I know." He winks at me, then we both laugh together.

When he left, Aaron walked in right after.

"Well hello. Why are you here already?"

"Just...wanted to see you."

I know exactly why he was here...ugh.

"You were making sure Dylan and I weren't going to do anything, weren't you?"


"Oh my gosh, Aaron, I wouldn't do that! I told him he should go for my best friend!"


He began to blush! This cocky man...blushing?! Dang.

I decided to take control and be super confident and kissed him right then and there.

When I pulled away from his face, he smiled super big. "You know, it's kind of hot when you take control like that."

I winked at him and said, "I know."

I never would have thought I'd be here with him, but here I was holding his hand walking in the school hallway with nasty glares from girls and guys. Weird.

I whispered to him, "Are all of the guys here at our school secretly gay?"

Aaron laughed and said, "There staring because I'm holding hands with a super hot girl."

"Oh whatever!"

"It's true! You don't realize how absolutely gorgeous you are."

"Okay, what do you want?"

He laughed again then stopped our walking and pulled me close, looking at me straight in the eyes, whispering, "Summer, I'm being serious. You're gorgeous."

I know I was blushing hard-core... "Thank you..."

He kissed me sweetly on the forehead and then we continued walking hand in hand down the school hallway.

After school, on the bus, while I sat with Aaron, Dylan sat by Sarah. Sarah got off at my bus stop and came home with me, because she wanted to hang out. When we got home and in my house with the door closed, Sarah squealed at the top of her lungs, "OMG GUESS WHAT!!"

I knew what was coming, but I asked, "What?"


I decided to tell her I knew, "Girl, I know! I told him about you and that you thought he was cute, so I guess he went for it!"

She started to get her little panic look on, "Wait. You don't mind though, right? I mean you have Aaron."

"Gosh no! I don't mind at all! We can double date!"

"That would be awesome," She looked down and started twiddling her thumbs,"Could we double date for the first time, because I don't want to go alone with him yet...I don't know him that well..."

She was so freaking adorable. "Of course! Want me to ask Dylan or do you want to ask him?"

"I'll ask him tomorrow morning."

"Okie dokie! Now! Let's talk about what we'll wear!"

Sarah asked Dylan the next morning, and of course the sweet boy didn't mind, and said he was actually going to ask the same thing, so that was good. We planned on going to a roller rink that night. I thought it was just for little kids, but apparently everybody still does it....Even if their 80 years old.