Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name

Ch. 12 Double Date

Sarah was so nervous.
It was so cute.

The Roller Rink wasn't even crowded, which was perfect.
When we walked in, I smelled nachos, sweat, wood, and rubber.
It was a clean place with neon colors splattered everywhere against a white wall, and when they turned down the lights the colors glowed in the dark!

Sarah apparently had never been to a roller rink, or skated at all, so it was really cute to see her learning from Dylan. Aaron and I secretly took pictures of them, and when they looked like they were doing okay by themselves and not needing us anymore, we sneaked into this room that was for parties. There were no windows, and it was dark, and just him and I...

"Uhh..Are you going to turn the lights on, Aaron?"

"Nahh." In that simple word I just knew he was probably smirking.

I felt his hands on my arms, then him getting closer to me.

His hands then cupped my face, and he kissed me.

"Mmmmm...Aaron why are you so hot?"

After that came out of my mouth, I regretted it.

I felt him smile against my lips, then say, "Did Summer just say that I was hot?"

I rolled my eyes, and scoffed, "Shut up, Aaron."

He laughed this sexy laugh, "You know, Summer, it means a lot that you said that actually. You've never said that to me."

I looked up at where his eyes would be if I could actually see and caressed his gorgeous face.

I was beginning to fall for him, and I couldn't be sure if he was for me, and that scared me.

We heard someone coming towards the door and ran under the table and hid there. The cleaning woman comes in, and looks around, then yells to someone outside in a heavy Hispanic accent, "No, it's clean in here. No parties today."

When she turned off the lights and closed the door we began laughing. This hiding thing was just funny to us for some reason.

"Now where were we," he says.

"I think right here.."

We met each others lips and didn't stop until we heard someone else by the door. We stayed hidden, prepared for whatever is to come. The door opens, the light turns on, and there we see Sarah and Dylan's feet. I look over at Aaron and we're both smiling trying to hold in our laughs.

"Where did they go? Do you think they left?"

"I guess they did," Dylan said, "They must have known that we were getting along fine without them, so they probably wanted to have alone time, and let us have some alone time. Shall I take you home?"

"Yes, please. Thank you."

We had all taken a car together, but we still didn't say a word as they turned off the lights and left. We waited a couple minutes then I whispered to him, "How are we getting home?"

"Shall we walk?"

"Uhh no! That's too far away!"

"Okay! I'll get us a cab. Come on, let's go outside and I'll call for a cab out there."

When we walked out of the room, the Hispanic lady looked at us really weird and we started cracking up, as we were running out of the building.

When we got outside, he called for a cab, and we only waited for about 5 minutes, and then it was there.

When the cab pulled up, Aaron went around to the driver's seat and whispered something to him, then got into the car with me, and closed the door.

"What was that about?"

He smiled, "You'll see."

Oh goodness