Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name


The cab went for about 20 minutes, then began to slow down passing trees, and coming up to a water view opening.

The cab driver stopped at the gate by the code pad, and turned around to look at Aaron, "What's the code?"

Aaron hands him money and says while opening his door, "We've got it from here. Thank you."

The cab driver takes the money and nods with a smile, "Have a nice night."

"You too," Aaron and I said at the same time.

As the cab driver is turning around Aaron put in the code and the gate opened slowly. It was the lake but I had never seen this gated part. There were docks filled with nice, classy boats all on the water inside a building with also a lock and keypad. We walked down the dock to the third boat on the right and Aaron put in that code as well. It turned green and beeped happily as the gate was ready to be opened. He opened the gate then looked at me and said with a smile, "Mademoiselle, ladies first."

I got in, then he got in, went to the driver's seat and started the boat. We got past the buoys then he still didn't speed. He put got out a little then turned it off, so he could sit with me.

He turned on the boat lights and played nice jazz music, and came over to sit with me. I was amazed. This boat wasn't super big, but it definitely wasn't small, and it was very classy.
He put his arm around me and said, "So...I want to play a little game."

I gave him this weird look and said, "Uhh what kind of game?"

"I'm going to ask you 5 questions and you answer them honestly, then you ask me 5."

"Why? What's the point of that?"

He leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Because I want to get to know you better, Summer."

" okay. Ask away then."

"Okay but we have to promise each other something before we play."

"And what is that?"

"That we will answer with complete honesty."

"Okay," I held out my pinky finger, ready to take his.

"What's that?"

"Uh, my pinky. I always do pinky promises."

He laughed, "Aw! You're like a little girl!"

"Shut up! Just give me your pinky!"

As our pinkies wrapped around each other we both said at the same time, "I promise."

"Okay first question," he says confidently, "What is your favorite color?"

"Neon colors and black. I cant pick favorites. I suck at decisions."

"Interesting. Favorite exotic animal?"

"Elephants! They're so cute!"

"I guess," he laughed a little, "Name a place you would like to vacation to."

"Disney world!"


"Yes! I know I know, I'm like a little kid! Shut up!"

"Okay then. Who is or was one of your favorite teachers?"

"Mrs. Tanaka, are 3rd grade teacher! When we would be in a line and go back to our class from recess, we counted from one to ten in Japanese over and over. I still remember how to count those numbers in Japanese!"

"That's cool! Now, last question for tonight...What do you like about me?"

"Really? You're going to ask something like that?"

He shrugged, "Just answer the question, please?"

"Okay, what I like about you is that your spontaneous. I've never been that way or even liked being that way until now."

"Well that's nice to know."

"Okay! My turn!"

"Oh boy," he says smirking at me.

"What's your favorite color?"

"No! You can't ask the same questions as I did. That wouldn't be any fun!"

"Ugh! Alright! Uh...which do you like better, cats or dogs?"

"Dogs. All the way. Cats are stupid."

"NO THEY'RE NOT! You'd love my cat, Sundance. Everyone does. Even people who hate cats."

"Oh really?"

"Yes! It's true! Okay number 2! Do you and Dylan share a room?"

"Yes, sometimes it gets on my nerves, but other times, I wouldn't see it any other way."

"Aw. Third! When is your birthday?"

"September 25th.”

“Oh that’s cool! Okay last one! What is your favorite thing on me?”

He gets close to my face and points to my Monroe looking freckle above my lip on the left side. “This is the sexiest freckle I have ever seen. It’s only one of my favorites though.”

“Well what are your other favorites?”

“Now, now, Summer, you asked ‘what is your favorite thing on me’, not ‘what are your favorite things on me’.”

“Ugh, you brat.”

He laughed out loud and said, “Well! You know I’m right.”

I mumbled incoherently at him, and then he laughed and kissed me on the forehead. “You are so cute, Summer Williams.”

I looked up at him and knew I was blushing again, “Thanks...”

He turned back on the boat and drove to his house across the lake. When we got there I asked him, “How are you going to get the boat back to that place?”

“I’ll just tell Dylan to meet me there with his car, tomorrow when I drive the boat back across the lake.”

“Oh, okay.”

I don’t understand why he went through all that trouble but it made me feel special so I didn’t put it down and just said ‘thank you’ when he walked me to my house and bid me goodnight, then left leaving me smiling like an idiot thinking I like you I like you I like you oh my gosh I like you