Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name

Ch. 18

Nothing but darkness surrounds me.
Where am I?
Oh no...I thought I was past this. I thought maybe this disappeared.
I hear them laughing again and coming closer to me.
I scream and scream.
This nightmare is different than usual.
I start to run.
Running, running, and running.
I don't even know where I'm going.
Heck, I may even be going in circles.
But I was running away from these monsters.
But no matter where I ran, they were still so very close to me.
When I stopped to catch my breath, they caught me, and grabbed a hold of my arms. They dragged me down to the ground. The ground was wet and cold, and smelled of decay.
They were all laughing and staring at me with lustful eyes...Blood-lusted eyes...
They scratched and scratched at my legs, and laughed manically.
Then that light came, and the same thing happened.
Jesus saved me, healed me, and told me I need to call on his name.

Yeah, I know, Jesus, just give me some time. I wasn't prepared for this one...

Why do I all the sudden have these dreams again?
I started having this new one the night Aaron left for vacation. Come to think of it...the dreams stopped when those twins were in my every day life...Hmm...that's weird...

Oh well.

I helped mom go grocery shopping and we got to spend time together.

"So Aaron and his family went to visit family?"

"Yeah, in Arkansas."

"Wow! Pretty place up there!"

"I know..."

Mom looked at me with worried mom eyes... "Baby...are you okay?"

"Yeah...I just miss him already...and I don't think I should..."

She turned from looking at the milk cartons and placed her hand gently on my shoulder and said, "It's totally understandable. You really like this guy. A lot. I can tell."

My phone vibrates and I get a text from Aaron. I hold the phone up to mom's face and say, "Speaking of..."

We both smiled while i texted him back and were walking down to the check out line. When we get to the car, I'm still texting Aaron back and having conversations with him about random stuff, and while mom and I are loading the groceries in the BMW, this old man sitting across our parking lot was watching us. I looked over at mom, and she looked back at me. You know that look where you both know something is up, but you dont want to say anything because the creepy man has got his window open and he could possibly hear us in his car? Yeah, that's what it was.

We hurriedly got our groceries in and got in the car and as we're backing out I say to mom, "Oh my gosh he was so creepy!"

"I know! What was up with him!"

"I felt like he was raping us with his eyes!"

We both laugh at loud and laughed while we each did our own imitation of the creeper as we're exiting out of the busy parking lot.

That night I went to bed, and I had the same nightmare. Again. It was that newer one. I don't understand this. Of course, I didn't have enough strength to call on Jesus.

When I woke up the next morning and got ready for the day, mom and I baked some pies for Thanksgiving tomorrow. Pecan and Pumpkin...Pecan and pumpkin...the two best pies ever.

Dad came home from work and gives mom a kiss on the lips, "Hey, honey."

"Hey, baby, how was work?"

"It was good," he says while giving me a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. "Hey, sweetie."
He smiles down at me then looks back up at mom, "So what did you guys do today?"

I went to sit on the dinner table while mom was finishing up the cleaning the kitchen, and dad went over to help out mom. Mom looks over and smiles at me, then looks at dad, "Oh we had a great time, even though there was a creeper creeping on my daughter and I."

We watched his face and started laughing. "Whose creeping on my girls?"

"Oh dad, it was just some random old man in the parking lot at the grocery store. No biggie."

Mom and I laughed again showing him our imitations of the old man, and dad laughed too. I forgot how much I missed spending time with my mom and dad.

We watched a movie off of the Hallmark Channel, and had yummy buttery popcorn and ice cream and coca cola for drinks. (Yup, it was pretty healthy!) I wanted to invite Sarah over or even Stacie, but they were out with family too. But this was good, I was spending time with my family.

The next day we had Thanksgiving dinner, and it was absolutely amazing! We all helped out, and played some music from the radio, and just had a really good time. But, I do....really miss Aaron. It makes my heart literally ache when I think about him...I wish he would just come home now...just knock on my door and be here a day early rather than tomorrow...

I hear a knock at my door and then the doorbell ring. I looked at my mom and dad with a questioned look, then mom gets up while saying, "I wonder who that could be. Weird.."

Oh my gosh, what if it was him. Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh...

I walked a little bit behind mom and when she opened the door before I got a peak, I heard a familiar voice, "Hi, Mrs. Williams, is Summer here?"

My heart literally skipped a beat and butterflies flew crazily around in my stomach as I ran to him and jumped in his arms. "Aaron! How did you get here! Why are you here a day early?"

He held me tight and ran his fingers through my hair, "I missed you so much. I just needed you in my arms."

I almost cried, but I didn't. He kissed me right in front of my parents so romantically and my parents didn't even act like it was a big deal or embarrass me. They invited him in to have dessert with us, and we ate dessert and talked about how his vacation had been and everything, and throughout the whole time, he was always staring at me, with that sparkle in his eyes.

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