Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name

Ch. 19

I woke up to the birds singing beautifully outside my sunny window. I stretched and yawned and all that morning things people do, then finally got out of my bed, and went down stairs.

I got on facebook, and looked at Summer's profile, and I realized something...I haven’t really officially asked her to be my girlfriend, I mean when I did, she said no, because she was trying to get rid of my brother and I, but does that count? I mean, we look official, but I don’t know if we are. I have to ask her whenever I see her.

I am the only one at my house today. I love having the house to myself sometimes. I texted Summer, “hey summer come over today? I’ve got the house to myself.”

While I wait for her to text back, I grab a bowl of cereal and some milk, and sit at the table to eat. After my first bite of cocoa puffs, my phone buzzed with a text from summer. “awesome! Will be there in 10!”

….10 minutes?! Dangit, I’m not dressed! I texted her back, “Mind if I’m in my pee-jays?”

I get a couple more bites in from my cereal and then another text from summer comes in, “lol sure if you are, then I will be in mine :p”

I texted her back, “haha alright(:”

I finish my bowl of cereal and run upstairs to brush my teeth, and by the time, I’m done, the doorbell rings.

I open the door and find this girl who looks freaking amazing. This is what she looks like when she wakes up?! She’s so beautiful without makeup! Her hair is wavy, she’s wearing no makeup, and she’s wearing a tank top and shorts that show off her amazing body that glows a little in the sun.

She looks at me, and says “Your pee-jays are hot.”

I smiled and said, “You…are way too hot. Get in here, before any guy sees you.” We both laughed at that, while she came inside and I closed the door behind her.

She looks around and studies my house for a bit, then says, “Whoa…your house is so amazing…”

I put my hand on her back and said, “Would you like a tour, Miss Williams?”