Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name

Ch. 2 Horrible Morning

I woke up to the constant ringing of my alarm.

I slam my hand on it, and it turns off.

Looking at the clock through my sleepy eyes,I had plenty of time.
I stretched and yawned as big as I could, and when my eyes were finally awake, I looked at the clock again and gasped.

6:00 am?!


Dang it!

I ran to my dresser and grabbed some jeans a t-shirt out of it. I slipped it on, and rushed over to my vanity area. I looked in the mirror, and sighed at the sight of my reflection. I put water in my hair and scrunched it to wavy curls, then hair sprayed it as quick as I could. People are always jealous of the way my hair turns out anyway I want it to. I decided to not put any makeup on, because i just don't have time, and I honestly don't care today.

I brushed my teeth, tried to find my runaway socks, slipped those on, grabbed my cell phone off the charger, threw it in my purse, and took my purse as I ran down the stairs.

Looking in the pantry I found some strawberry pop tarts, stuffed them in my purse, and then went to the fridge to find an orange Capri-sun, and put that in my purse as well, along with a napkin.

I found my shoes, and put those on. I went over to my parents' room and quietly said, "Bye." They're always still asleep when I leave for school in the morning.

I checked the time

6:22 am

I hurried out the front door, locked it behind me, and ran to the bus stop. I was still running when the bus got there and waited for me.

I got on the bus, and the bus driver looks at me, and half-smiles, "Good Morning, Summer?"

I looked at her grumpily, "I've had better, Miss Lisa."

She laughed a little as I went to the back of the bus to take my seat, next to one of my best friends, Sarah.

I talked to Sarah a little as I ate my pop tarts and drank my Capri-sun on the bus. Halfway there though, I feel asleep on her shoulder. Those nightmares/dreams wear me out.

Sarah woke me up gently when we got there and we unloaded off the bus to my high school.

Ridge Way High

It was a small school, where everybody knew everybody. But not everybody was best friends with everybody. But everyone knew when a new person came, it was a big deal.

Sarah and I walk to our lockers to get some of our stuff for our classes, when our friend, Stacie, comes up to us. Stacie was a petite girl, with brown hair, and hazel eyes. She was really white though. Like vampire white! She had a smile, that melted your heart right away, and a brain that took in every gossip detail this school has.

"Guess what!"

Sarah and I looked at her, and smiled, "What?"

She was so ecstatic she looked like she could almost jump up and down. "There's new kids that are coming today and I just saw them! THEY'RE HOT TWIN BROTHERS!"

Sarah and I laughed, because Stacie was just so cute when she was excited.

Twin brothers, who are hot? Hmmm.
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