Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name

Ch. 20

He showed me around his gorgeous and huge house.

The whole house was everybody's dream house. With the kitchen fit for a chef (or two), the living room with the big screen HD TV, the bedrooms so big and beautiful, the decorations around the light tan colored house were Tuscany style. Everything in the house was like a house you would see in Italy (of course).

The game room included ANOTHER HD TV, xbox 360, PlayStation, the wii, and all the other gaming systems everyone dreams of having. It also had, a mac computer sitting on top a wood desk with a web cam, and speakers by it.

Although all this was absolutely gorgeous, I couldn't quit looking at my boyfriend...wait...was he? I mean, he never asked...oh, God, what if he's playing with my feelings? With my heart? I don't know how to ask him though...

He takes my hand in his and leads me to the door leading to the backyard, closes the door behind us, as the breeze blows my hair off of my neck. We walk to the seats at the table out there, and he pulls out my chair and lets me sit down, then sits down in the chair next to me. He looks at me with eyes that make my heart skip beats, then takes my hands and holds them in his and just smiles at me...

"What, Dylan?"

He laughed softly and caressed my face, then leaned in, making me think he was going to kiss me, but his mouth lingers to my ear, and he whispers, "I don't think I've asked you officially...will you be my girlfriend, Summer?"

I turned to look at him and smiled big, then acted like I was thinking hard about it, "Hmmm...I don't know..."

He rolled his eyes, knowing I was joking. Then I said, "Of course, Dylan," and kissed him.

He winked at me after, and said, "Oh good. Got kind of worried there."

I laughed and said, 'Whatever, Dylan."

The best part was, he accepted and asked me to be his girlfriend in my PAJAMAS with absolutely no makeup on. All-natural Summer. It made me feel beautiful and special that he still likes me no matter what I look like. And I'm not going to lie, he looks pretty freaking hot in his pajamas.

We watched the little waves the pool created as the breeze danced in the sunshiny day, and just sat there quietly enjoying the weather. Then, I looked over at Dylan who still held my hands.

"This weather is perfect for a picnic."

He turns to me and smiles, "Someone hungry?"

I nodded, and we both got up and went inside to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Hmm..just a turkey sandwich is fine."

"Typical picnic food. Mayonnaise?" He was getting the stuff out of the fridge when he asked that. "Cheese?"

"Yes, please, to the mayo, but no cheese."

"No cheese? What kind of sandwich is that?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said nonchalantly, "A turkey sandwich with no cheese."

He laughed at that while he was opening up the mayo and spreading some on two slices of white bread. He put some turkey on it, then looked at me, "Nothing else on it?"

"Maybe a little black pepper sprinkled on it too."

"Black pepper? Where do you get this from?"

"Myself, duh."

He laughed a little again, then after sprinkling some black pepper on the sandwich, closed it up and put it on a paper plate, then began to make his. He had turkey as well and I noticed he was making the same sandwich as the one I had.

"What are you doing, Dylan?"

He finished the sandwich up, closing it, looked at me, and said, "Trying it your way."

"But you just complained about it!"

"I know, but I'm curious as to how it tastes."

"It's just turkey, mayo, and pepper. Nothing special. Besides, you could have just had a bite of mine."

"Nope. You need all the meat you can get on your bones. Besides, you said you were hungry."

"Just one bite, was not going to make a difference."

He smiled and winked at me, as he walked to the pantry. "Chips?"

"Yes, please."

"What kind?"

"Doesn't matter. Ill grab the plates and head on outside."

"Okie Dokie."

I was greeted by the breeze when I got to the table and set the plates down, and the napkins next to it that were on top of the sandwiches.

Dylan came out with two mini coke cans, and a bag of cheetos, then went back inside. I opened my coke and took a sip of it, and then he came out with a huge blanket.

"What is that for?"

"We said perfect picnic weather. A picnic is not at a table, its on a blanket lied across the grass, silly."
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