Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name

Ch. 3 Double Egotistical

I hadn't seen these supposedly 'hot twins' yet, and it was already lunch, but I've heard about them in every single class of mine yet.

I heard they were like famous or something..?

I was in line to get my food, when I saw basically everybody crowded around looking at something and talking to someone?
When my line was moving closer towards the screaming crowd, I got on my tip toes to see if these were the famous twins or whatever. My eyes caught one of them. Oh my god...

Brown hair, blue eyes, really tall, and a smile that knocked the breath out of you. His eyes were looking straight into my soul, I was so stunned, and then he smirked and yelled toward me, "Hey!" and winked.

I was nervous and I just looked away and continued on in my line getting my food.

"Hey, I was talking to you." The same voice now came from behind me...

I turned around and said, "Yeah?"

He smiled and looked down at me, "Since I'm pretty hot, and you're pretty hot, we should make out."
He winked at me and i was disgusted. Of course. They were stuck on themselves.

My nervousness turned into annoyance, and i said, "Hmmm...You're hot? Really?" I acted like I was studying him, then shrugged and said, "Nope, I don't see it."

His mouth dropped open, and stayed open, as I walked off with my food.

He came up behind me, and put his hand on my shoulder and spun me around. I looked at his face, he was angry. Haha wow.

"Nobody talks to me like that! Just admit it, I'm hot, you know it."

I laughed and said, "There is absolutely nothing hot about you."

His face burned with more anger, as he realized he really couldn't do anything with what I thought about him, and he let me go, so I could go to my table and eat my lunch.

All the girls in the school looked at me in disgust. Whatever.

They may be cute, but they're egos ruin it all, in my opinion.

The rest of my day was alright, other than the constant glares, and whispers about me, the day was pretty good.

I went to my bus and saw Sarah and sat by her, like I always do. Before I even sat down, she began talking. "I heard what happened! It's around the whole school! You denied that Aaron Heath was hot?"

I looked at her in disgust and said, "No I said what was true, they're really not that gre-"


I was interrupted with all the screaming girls on my bus, as the two egotistical twins were getting on the bus. Even sarah was all excited. Traitor.

I hmmphd and turned toward the window, and just looked out, ignoring the constant noise and went into my own little world.

I cant believe they're on my bus.

When the bus got to my bus stop, I gathered my stuff and stood up noticing that the twins stood up as well. They let me off first and smiled at me as we both stood at the same bus stop. The bus drove off with the girls faces mushed against the window waiting to see what happens.

"Do you guys seriously have the same bus stop as me?"

They looked at each other and smiled, "Yup. Why, does it matter to you?"

"Well I was just wondering, be-"

Aaron interrupted me and said, "What? Were you hoping we were getting off because we wanted to hang with you or something?"

My mouth almost fell open, but I caught it before I did.

I laughed so hard, then i said, "Why would I think that? And why would I want to hang out with two losers who think they're so hot, when they're not?"

Both of their mouths dropped as I turned around and walked off.

I could hear Aaron whisper to Dylan, "That's the girl I was telling you about."

I heard Dylan whisper back, "Wow, she's so hot."

Aaron said back, "Dude, I know."

I rolled my eyes and smiled. Woooww.
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