Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name

Ch. 4 Annoying and Bi-Polar x2

For some reason, I didn't have the dream last night.

I have had that dream every night since I was 5, and now all the sudden, I don't have it?

Right when I was finally ready to stand up for myself!

Stupid dream/nightmare thing!

I was walking to my bus stop and noticed two guys standing there...oh yeah, those stupid twins. Ugh.

They looked at me, and said, "Heyy, hot babe, would you like to sit with us on the bus this morning?"

I laughed and said, "No thanks. I'd rather die, than ever do that."

They both glared at me and said, once again at the same time, "Why are you such a b*tch?"

I looked at them wide-eyed. Did they really just freakin call me that?

"Seriously? You're going to call me that, just because I refuse to have anything to do with you two losers?"

"Yeah, we are. If you have a problem with it, get over it. B*TCH!"

Okay, now they're just doing it to annoy me. Whatever.

I rolled my eyes, and ignored them. The bus finally came after two more minutes of awkward silence.

As i got on, I was automatically pushed, shoved, and thrown into my seat basically, with the girls stumbling over each other trying to get to the twins and sit wherever they sat. It was so stupid.

I even saw Sarah try and get up, and go over there. I held her arm down and glared at her with the most fire I could ever put into a glare. She sat down right away and muttered, "Sorry."

She knew I wouldn't be forceful like that with her, if it wasn't something serious.

Those boys get on my nerves and the last thing I want is for Sarah to be just like the rest of the girls in our school, running everywhere and anywhere those dumb boys went.

When the bus arrived at the school, and Sarah and I were at our lockers, Stacie runs up to me and begins to yell/ask me questions all running together,

I was going to have a headache at the end of the day if this keeps up..

I sighed and put my hands on her shoulders to calm her down. "I don't think they're hot, because they're stuck on themselves, and that just makes them ugly. Now calm down, Stacie. Jeez."

She let out a breath I guess she had been holding in. "Okay, but I still don't understand! Who cares if they're stuck on themselves? They should be with the way they look!"

I rolled my eyes and smiled at her, "You're just as bad as the rest of them."

She laughed and said, "Buuuuuuhhhttt you know you lovee mee!!!!"

I laughed as well and gave her a huge hug, "Of course I do, you silly goose."

I went into my first period class and realized there was something wrong with the whole class. They were all crowded around no it cant be....

"Ohh Dylan, you're so hot!"
"Aaron, I love you! Will you come over to my house later?"
"Are you guys coming to my party this Friday?"

The twins have my first period?!

I grumbled and mumbled incoherently to myself as I went to my seat, and waited for the bell to ring.

I laid my head down, on the desk, and closed my eyes for awhile...

I noticed something after a bit...There was something on both sides of long did I have my eyes closed...? Oh no! I fell asleep! Gahh!

I jerked my head up to see two beautiful boys sitting on each side of me. No no! NOT BEAUTIFUL! Ugh!

They were really attractive, it's just their attitude ruined everything.

Then I was fully awake, and wanted to know, why were they sitting on each side of me?

I looked over at Aaron and said, "What are you guys doing? Weren't you sitting over there?"

He shrugged and said, "We wanted to sit by you since you were asleep. The teacher almost got onto you but we said you were alright, and that we'd take care of you, so she let you sleep."

I looked at him totally without words...what? Why would he do that?

"Oh...uh thanks."

He smiled, "You're quite welcome."

The bell rang for 2nd period, and when I walked into that room, guess who was there?

Oh yeah, you guessed right. Aaron and Dylan Heath.

I went over to them and said hello. I might as well be nice, I decided.

...and you know what they did? IGNORED ME.

I said it louder this time, and they both turned around at the same time and said, "What do you want?!"

"I...I was just saying hi, jeez!"

"Well we don't care for your hello's, do we, Dylan?"

"Nope, that's right, Aaron. Definitely not."


These boys confuse me.

Later I find out, they have every single class with me.

I almost wanted to just stand up, and look up and yell, "WHY GOD! WHY ME!"

But I didn't. That would include me to embarrass myself even more than those twins already had, when i tried to just say hello.

Fine. If the guys want to be stupid, and be bi-polar, whatever! I'll just ignore them from now on.
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Hey, you guys sorry about that one word, that the twins said, it wasn't summer the main character though! AND I didn't spell it all out. Don't hate me!