Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name

Ch. 5 Summer Williams

In case you didn't read the short description, this is in Aaron's POV! So enjoy!


I hate Summer Williams.

She's dumb, rude, and annoying.

No, no....I don't get this! I find her so attractive, but her attitude isn't attractive at all!

After the first day at Ridge Way High, and us twins were put down by some chick, we decided we'd make her pay. The next day Dylan and I changed our whole schedule to match exactly to Summer Williams. Now she'll have to see us in every class, she'll hate every minute of her school day. But hey! There's a bonus for us twins! At least she's insanely hot!

Every day in 1rst period Dylan and I would mess with her. We would ask any of the 'fan girls' for some gum, and of course they'd give it to us, then when we would chew the gum, we'd take the wrapper and always look at her, Hey, Summer!, we'd both say.

She'd turn towards us with a glare and we'd shoot our wrappers right at her face.

It was so funny to see her face after wards! She would always try and tell on us to the teacher, and of course the teacher wouldn't do anything about it, because we were the hot and famous twins!

During lunch we'd sit wherever she sat, so that the screaming girls, would annoy her while she was eating.

HA HA! I remember this one time, she got so bugged by this one chick, because the chick was like sitting on the table right next to Summer's food, while Summer was trying to eat. Summer looked up at the back of her head, and pulled down her hair, so that the chick's head would come down to her level. She said to her,
"Go.Sit.Somewhere.Else.Other.Than.By.My.Freaking.Food. Oh! AND GET A LIFE!"

The chick started crying! It was so funny!

I know, I sound mean because I'm laughing at the fact that the chick was crying, but I've seen that chick around! She's a creep! I mean, she may be a little pretty with her brown hair, but her face isn't that great, and she follows us every where! She even called us, and we never gave anyone our number at that school, except for like the people we trust!

And for parties, she'd creep around and follow us everywhere and try and dance with us. She was just so weird and desperate, that it was revolting.

For Homecoming, Dylan and I noticed that Summer didn't have a date, so we asked her to be our dates, to be nice, and all she did was scoff and walk off. So, we're guessing that was a b*tchy no.

Homecoming dance, she wasn't even there! When we got home, we saw that her light was on in her bedroom across the street. Why wouldn't she get a date? I know any guy would have wanted to go out with her.

"Hey, Dylan, I wonder what she's doing right now, instead of being at the dance."

Yeah, we left early from the dance. We noticed it wasn't any fun without Summer there, so we could mess with her.

"I don't know, man. We should go knock on her door. Her parent's cars aren't there so she's probably the only one home right now."

"Okay, let's go then."

So we went over there and knocked on the door. Summer looked through the curtain on the side window, and we saw her roll her eyes. She opened the door fast, and glared at us, with her arms crossed across her chest. "What do you guys want?"

I looked at Dylan and smiled, then looked back at her, "Well, we noticed that you were alone, so we'd figure we would accompany you."

"Ha! Yeah, right! Why would you guys do that?"

"Because we're nice guys," Dylan and I said at the same time.

She laughed again. "I think the better word would be 'rude guys who have no life'?"

She smiled that bratty smile of hers, every time she came up with some rude come back.

I glared at her and said, "Actually we do have a life. We just got back from the Homecoming and we noticed that you were at your house, by yourself, so we decided to come over and check on you, and see if you wanted company, but if you want to be a b*tch about every little thing, then never f*cking mind!"

Dylan looked at me wide-eyed. "Uhh, bye Summer."

She was even surprised. You could tell by her face. She just stood there and watched as I stormed off, and Dylan followed. When we got back to our driveway Dylan said, "Dude, you have to calm down."

Dylan was always the one that could stay calm, I always have a bad temper, can you tell?

"Yeah, Dylan, I know. She just pisses me off."

Later that night when I was laying in bed, I couldn't get her facial expression out of my mind. When I had looked back as she was closing the door slowly, I saw a tear. I think I made her cry.... I didn't want or mean to do that!

I couldn't get any sleep that night, because i felt so horrible.

I decided I'd apologize for that. Even though she was the one being rude first, I made her cry, and I feel horrible for that.

That next day, since it was Saturday I had walked over to her house and knocked on her door. Her mom answered it with a warm smile, "Hey, Aaron, what's up?"

"Hey, Mrs. Williams, can I talk to Summer, please?"


She said I could some in, but I told her 'no thank you'.

Summer came downstairs and looked at me, then looked down, and mumbled, "What are
you doing here?"

"...Can I talk to you?"

She came outside on the porch with me, and closed the door behind her, but was still looking down.

I pulled her in for a hug and whispered, "Summer, I'm sorry."

I felt wet tears on my shirt, and heard her mumble, "Why?"

"Because, I hurt you, Summer, I didn't mean to hurt you. You made me angry, when we were just coming over last night to be nice."

"Yeah but usually you guys aren't nice, so I figured it was some kind of trick. I'm sorry for being rude, if you guys really were being sincere about accompanying me."

She looked up and smiled, and as I wiped away her tears I said, "We were, I forgive you, Do you forgive me?"

"I guess. But this doesn't mean I still don't hate you."

I smiled, "There's the Summer I know."

I winked at her as I touched her cheek softly. "See you around, you brat."

She laughed out loud at that, and then was waving bye as I was walking down her sidewalk.

I watched her go back in her house and laughed a little to myself.

She's a beautiful brat.
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