Status: On hold (break). Sorryy.

Call My Name


When Dylan came over the next day, it was super awkward.

He was super sweet, and just....adorable.
I actually found myself smiling happily while he was there and we were working on our project.

Then, typical Aaron, comes over during this because he wants to 'talk to me'. I know he came just because Dylan was here with me. Aaron is so immature, I swear.

He pulls me into the kitchen and says "Summer, I would really love it, if we got to spend time together."

Was he on crack?

He caressed my face like it was beautiful and fragile and said, "Because, Dylan gets to spend time with you, and I want to as well."

His eyes were begging me, and it was killing me.
"But, Dylan and I aren't even really spending time with each other, we're just working on a project."

"Still. You're still spending time with him even if it is for a stupid project. Please, Summer?"

I couldn't take it anymore.
"Fine. Tonight?"

He smiled big and said "Mhmm."

"Where at?"

"You'll see, I'll come by and pick you up at 7 o'clock."

He kissed me on the cheek sweetly, then left me blushing hardcore, as I heard him walk out my door and close it.

I came back into the living room and looked at Dylan...He didn't seem like he could tell that anything was going on.

We continued working on our project and I came to realize that Dylan is so freakin' sweet. I honestly don't deserve his sweetness.

When we finally got done with the stupid project, before he left, he kissed me on the cheek as well, and said, "Summer, I just want you to know that I like you just as much as Aaron does..."

I kissed him back on the cheek and smiled sweetly. "I know, Dylan."

When he left it was around 6 o'clock. I had one freakin hour to get ready.

What should I wear? It's not like I knew where we were going!

Ugh, Aaron can just be so frustrating sometimes. Oh well.

I went to take a shower and then decided to go with some jeans and a nice shirt. I straightened my hair, put on my makeup, then sprayed on some of my favorite perfume.

Cocoa Mademoiselle

When i got my last shoe on, I heard the doorbell ring.

I opened the door and saw this gorgeous man smiling down at me.

"Hi, beautiful," he says ever so sweetly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you guys think!