A Enchantment

A quick entrance

"What just happened?"
"I have no idea!"
"Where are we?"
"Once again, I have no idea!"
Megan looked at Matthew, She saw the confusion mirrored in his eyes.
"Bet it was that old woman! Knew she was a witch..."
"Bet it wasn't, we waved at her, that was it" Matthew said. But Megan wasn't listening to him, she was trying to think back about 10 minutes ago, ahhh they had gone to the shop... what for? oh yes. They were bored, so Matthew had called her. They went to the shop and as a laugh they bought som "Magic Dust" like thats going to work they had thought....
"Oh yes that was it Matthew! We bought that magic dust..." She said
"Told you it wasn't that woman, and yeah, That explains why it looks like the inside of our favourite book..." He replied, clearly happy he had proven her wrong! They hadn't looked around yet, they hadn't even noticed the pure beauty of there surroundings. They were to busy trying to work out were they were.
Luckily for them language and money were the same, and they had read the book so often that they knew how the place worked. They knew where most buildings were, and what people wore and what they ate. They looked at eachother, and they each knew what they were thinking, Are we really in our favourite book?
They then finally looked around, to there right was the forest of eve, with a large lake in front, the lake was sparkling in the evening sun, in the lake were water nymphs bathing and laughing. They noticed them looking at them, and the water nymphs looked at them curiously, they turned away, not wanting to stare at the water nymphs beauty. They looked to the left and they could see a village, there was some kind of festival on as there was a fire,and dancers, fire eaters, tightrope walkers and other type of entertainers, people were laughing and singing. They were all happy and celebrating. For a minute you wouldnt think about the misfortunes that lay in the pages, you wouldn't remember, the muderes and spies. You would'nt notice the watchful glare in the trees of the creatures that can poison you, or kill you.
Coming to her senses, Megan had been looking around for a good 20 minutes, in awe of the beautiful surroundings.
"What are we going to do?!" She said, also bringing Matthew back to his senses
"Well, we know enough, and we have the book, to find a inn, i think we should wait till tomorrow to explore" Matthew said
"Yeah, I think we should. Lets go and find one now!" She said starting to walk, there journey was long and tiresome. They walked through the forest as they knew of a good inn through the forest. They walked through the tree's the sun eventually being replaced by the moon. It was cold and dark. Curious creatures, only curious pulled them pushed them, made strange noises, at them. Some alarmed, some trying to prove that they were better and they were in control.
They finally came to the right place and looked around, got a room, and ate. They went to sleep easily, but the one thing that was on both of there minds was if, this was a dream. Or they were stuck here forever...