A Enchantment


Farid wasn't sure about there two new friends. He didn't like the boy at all. He just stood there. Farid overheard a conversation between Megan and Matthew the day before.

They were talking about trust. Matthew didn't trust them. Pffffffft! he thought, we should be the one's who should be worried about trust.

Megan was saying something about that they should trust them. Farid liked her better than Matthew. She was more confident.

Confidence always helps in this world. You need it when the faries attack you for your hair. They need human hair for their nests. Farid looked at a fairy passing him fondly. He definately preffers this world.


He looked over to where Matthew, Megan and Dustfinger were sitting. Megan was asleep her head resting gently on Matthew's shoulder. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. Matthew was talking to Dustfinger.

"Do you like this world then? Compared to your world I mean" Dustfinger asked

"Yeah I do, It's like a fantasy. But I miss home. You know, normal things." Matthew laughed.

"I understand, I was in that world for almost 10 years, and I found it hard to believe all that was going on. To me, your normal was crazy weird for me" he smiled.

Farid walked over and sat down.

"This is my third world I have been in, and it's definately my favourite" Farid said. He remembered before the first time he had changed worlds.

He was so confused. But he settled with Dustfinger in the other world. So when Dustfinger missed his true home, Farid followed him, and ended up here, and he loved it.
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Sorry for not updating in a while i'll update soon.
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