A Enchantment

The town

The next day Dustfinger woke them up early. Megan sat up wearily and rubbed her eyes. Matthew woke up, blinked twice then glared up at Dustfinger.

yaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwn!! megan yawned

"Where are we going at such a early time?" she asked, rubbing the extra sleep from her eyes.

"We are going to the town. You are coming too, I think once we get there we will come across word of the enchanterer and his daughter. They can help you, I don't know if they will so you might have to do something for them in return" Dustfinger said offering a hand to help Meggan up.

"What do you think they would want us to do? I mean we would of course but we don't know what we can do, if enything." Meggan said worridley

"Well the person we are going to is called Mortimer, I call him silvertoungue. He is from your world and is a enchanter, he can read and bring things to life from books. His daughter is a enchantress and her name is meggie. she inherited the gift from her father, and he most likely will not want to help, because he believes he causes too much damage with the words. Although his daughter might help. We will have to wait and see" He said

They were now travelling through dangerous forest for hours, until they saw the first sights of the town...
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for not updating!!
