Angels Exist

A Dream?

“Angel...” I muttered in a soft voice. I doubt that it was heard by the others passing beside me. They wouldn’t care, anyway.

I continued to stare at the taller woman walking near. Her dark brown eyes were hard to leave. The soft hue of her chocolate-colored orbs mesmerized me with the first glance, and left me here standing like a stick. It was so sincere, the way she looked at me.

Her cherry lips curved and formed a small smile. It was the smile I longed to see for those many months we have… talked. That is, if you considered online chatting as talking.

She raised her right hand a bit and slowly waved it. I returned her smile, and grinned radiantly at her. My smile showed how overjoyed I was currently. It wasn’t enough to release this happiness my heart was feeling -- sheer bliss and much more. If I may, I’d run up to her and wrap my arms around her waist, then I would give her a kiss on the lips. Unfortunately, I cannot do that. I must contain my emotions.

It was weird. Everything seemed like it was in slow-motion… just like those ‘corny’ romance movies. The term love was overrated, but it was what I was feeling right now. Or at least, what I claim to be feeling.

After what seemed to be hours, but was actually just a few moments, my angel was in front of me. My heart raced as I noticed that she was merely a foot away from me. ‘Oh God.’ I thought. My insecurities filled my poor chest. Here I am now, anxious and unsure; here she was, proving that she truly was the definition of perfection.

“Kei,” she started. Her voice -- melodic and beautiful! You cannot deny the fact that her hair was a bit mussed. She looked nice, nonetheless. “I’m so glad to see you in person!” she exclaimed, as she held both of my hands.

“Yeah…” It was truly nice. It was a dream that came true, in fact. A dream that I thought will never happen.

A question floated in my mind ‘Do I look pretty; presentable, at the least?’ I asked to myself. I guess I do. I sincerely hope I do.

Her eyes wandered around the unfamiliar location. The area was noisy. It was practically a blessing and miracle that Angel and I saw each other in the throng of unfamiliar faces. I memorized her face by heart and that helped me identify her. She did look different from the pictures, but she was beautiful.

“So, where to?” she asked, not letting go of my hand. I didn’t care if she didn’t. I actually would love it if it stayed that way. Her hands were soft and were simply perfect… just like the rest of her.

“Your hotel, dear” I said, smiling at her. My parents did not know that a friend from another country (which they have never met) will be visiting me, therefore; Angel cannot stay in my house. They would go ballistic if they knew someone I met from the internet will be living in our house for a few days. Frankly, they do not trust me and they are overprotective.

She giggled softly and squeezed my hands “Wherever you want me to go...” she said. She leaned a bit forward and whispered in my ear “ long as you’re with me, love.” Her breath was warm and it made me shudder. She was seducing me without her knowing; or was this her plan?

My cheeks were now tinted in shades of pink. I could feel my cheeks burning as her hand touched my fragile skin.

“Let’s go!”
♠ ♠ ♠
(After months, she posts a story.)
I'm not sure if I'm going to make this a oneshot or a chaptered fanfic. It seems incomplete; don't you agree?