Status: Updating will be slow, but I'll update.:)



We rode into the town, well, suburban area, slowly. All the people were sitting out on their porches relaxing and enjoying the weather, which was warmer than it usually is: a chilling 50 degrees all year ‘round. The houses here are better built, not like in Carolyn, where everything is almost destroyed. I led Andy and Sebastian to a barn where we tied our horses on some posts and set out on foot, up the rode, to the town center. “Andy, which town are we in?” Sebastian was excited and hyper, like a little puppy that got a new toy.

“We’re in a little town called Katy. We’re going to the Town Center to get approval on using different transportation.” Andy said hugged Sebastian’s hyper body close to him. I chuckled. “What are you laughing at?” Andy said laughing. “Oh, nothing.” I said with a smirk. If Andy knew that I can see his thoughts, he’d probably have me fired from being his butler. Andy narrowed his eyes and smiled. Sebastian kept squirming in his grip as we walked more into the Katy. Just them, we heard a loud, demonic screech.

We stopped walking and looked at the sky; everyone who was sitting on their porches looked too. A huge dragon came into view. The dragon was black; some of its flesh was burned away, revealing black, burned bones. Its wings were leather like and its claws were long and the color of hot coal. It dived down towards us. “Move!” I screamed. We both ran back up the rode, to the horses, as fast as we could. The dragon made a tight curve down then soared back into the air. All the people around us were screaming and running. We were almost to the end of the road, until a dark figure loomed over us. We stopped. The dragon growled and bared its teeth. Its fire colored eyes focusing on us. “Well, well, well. What have we here?”

That voice…its so familiar. As I was trying to figure out whose voice it was, Mark strutted out from behind the dragon. “How do you like my pet Andy?” He looked at Andy with utter disgust. I heard Andy growl and Sebastian whimpered. “I see your still with that thing.” Mark narrowed his black eyes and leaned on the dragon’s right flank. Then Mark uttered only one word, “Kill,” and the dragon shot fire out of its massive mouth at Andy, who pushed Sebastian in a ditch and ducked. The fire missing him by only inches.

I saw a metal pole near the ditch. I raced towards it. The dragon stopped shooting fire at Andy and looked at me. Before I could get to the ditch, it whipped its long, spiked covered tail at me. I ducked down, missing it, but the creature opened its mouth and locked its jaws around my torso. I clawed at its mouth while it bit harder into me. After what seemed like an hour, it tossed me at a tree. Pain shout through my back and left arm as a struck the trunk. I looked for Mark, but I guess he ran off. The dragon roared and swiped its claws at Andy.

Andy had a metal pole in his hands. He stabbed it into the dragons chest. It reared on its back legs, shrieking in pain. Andy backed up and was about to run towards Sebastian, until the dragon pounced on Andy and dug its claws into his skin. Andy hissed and growled in pain as he tried to claw his way out from under the beast’s claws. The dragon lifted his clawed hand off of Andy and clamped its jaws on Andy’s left wing. Bones cracked instantly as it chewed at Andy’s wing. It then started to jerk him around like a rag doll. I tried to get up but stopped. Pain shot up through my back. I gasped. I heard Andy shouting and screaming for help.

After minutes of tortuous agony, the dragon tossed Andy to the ground. He landed a few feet in front of me; blood was covered all over his slim body, his damaged wing was broken and some feathers were ripped out. The dragon jumped and flew into the sky, leaving us in silence. I some how got up and limped over to Andy’s still body, holding my damaged arm.

People were running towards us: trying to help us. A group of people got Sebastian out of the ditch he was hiding in. He looked terrified, but unscratched. A group of people ran up to Andy and I. I blacked out and fell to the floor once they got there. Strangely, I was able to hear what they were saying. “Get some bandages! Quick!”

“Someone get two stretchers!” Some girl shouted. I heard Sebastian crying. I think it was him. Everyone’s voice started to fade as I slipped into darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, short chapter.Im sorry.:'(
Thanks for all the support and sey comments.;D love you all to death.
Next chapter will be longer.i promise.

Katy? A little town? With barns? What were you smoking when you went there? Oo