Status: Updating will be slow, but I'll update.:)



All through the night, I held Sebastian in my arms, crying my eyes out and hoping he would wake up; his blood was soaked through my shirt and pants. In the limited light I could see the blood on the floor, still wet and tainting the air with Sebastian's blood, making me want to gag. Vision's of Sebastian running from corner to corner scared replayed over and over again in my head, his eyes filled with fear. I took in a shaky breath and sighed. I looked at my wrists, which were criss-crossed with cuts and scratches from my claws and fangs, which were still out. They stopped bleeding, but were burning as they were healing. It was a small portion of what Sebby went through, and I deserved it, but they would heal faster than Sebastian's wounds. I hugged his limp, unconscious body close to mine, wishing this didn't happen.

The lights clicked on in the cell and the door slid open. I pulled my knees up and cradled Sebby into me. A nurse walked in with a medical bag. She looked about in her late twenty's with long, brown hair, which was pulled back into a pony tail; she was wearing a light blue nurse's uniform. The door shut behind her and she walked up to me, placed the bag down, and bent down to eye level to me. Her eyes were a beautiful hazel that was close to green. I whimpered and held Sebastian closer to me. "It's okay sweetie. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to help you." She said sweetly and sat cross-legged in front of me, totally vulnerable and easy to attack. I relaxed a tiny bit and dropped my knees a little so she could see Sebastian. She took out a clipboard from the medical bag and a pen. "Is it okay if I ask a few questions?" She asked.

"S-sure." I said shakily. She clicked the pen opened. " But, how did you know I needed help?" She looked at me with caring eyes.

"They have cameras in all the cells. We saw your blue collars' light in here moving frantically around last night, so we waited 'till the morning to see if everything was alright. Okay, what is your name and his?" She said and pointed towards Sebby.

"My name is Andy. This is Sebastian." I told her and she wrote down something. "May I ask what your name is?" I asked.

"I'm Sarah." She said and smiled. "Okay, are you two imprinted?" I stopped breathing. If I tell her then everyone will find out and kill us. I sighed. They were going to have to know sometime.

"Y-yes." I said weakly. She wrote down something else on her clipboard. "Is that all the question?" I asked nervously.

"I'm sorry, but no. I got to ask you lots more."

Sarah asked me over thirty question like when I was born, how old Sebastian and I were, everything from what specious Sebastian and I were to recent injuries and actions. After she was done, I sighed. "Okay, now I can help Sebastian. I was forced to ask these stupid questions." Sarah said and sighed irritably. She placed her hand on Sebby's pale cheek.

"He's so cold. What happened..." She whispered and looked at the bit marks on his neck.
His neck was darkly bruised where the two puncher wounds were.

"I don't remember doing it though...I'm sorry." I said and started back crying.

"It's okay sweetie. I can help him." She said in a rush and placed her hand on my shoulder lightly. I stopped crying and sighed. " Does he have any other injuries?"

"Yes. He has gashes on his back." I told her.

"I need you to off his shirt so I can stitch up the wounds." I did what she said and tossed Sebastian's torn and bloody shirt to the side. She took out an alcohol pad and stitches and got to work on stitching up Sebastian. She stitched up the claw marks on his back and wrapped white bandages around his chest and taped the end with two little pieces of tape. "Okay, can you lay him on the ground please Andy?" Sarah asked. I hesitated. "It's okay, I'm just going to make sure he can breathe on his own."

"He already can." I protested. I didn't want to let go of him.

"Sweetie, I'm just trying to make sure you didn't bite into his windpipe. And I'm just going to stitch up his neck. That's all I'm going to do." Sarah said honestly. I took in a breath and laid Sebastian on the floor on his back. He started breathing in sort gasps. Sarah took out a breathing tube from the bag and placed in Sebastian's throat and hooked a blue air bag to the tube. "Here, I want you to squeeze this as if you were breathing. It will help him breathe better." She instructed me. I nodded and did what she said. Sebastian stopped gasping for air and started breathing normal. I sighed in relief.

Sarah took off Sebastian's collar and examined his neck. "Well, good news is you didn't hit his windpipe, but you clipped his main artery. It's sealed up, but he lost a lot of blood." She said and looked at my shirt and pants.

"Is he going to get better?" I whispered.

"He'll get better. Don't worry." She said. "Now, I'm going to sew up is neck." She sewed up the bite marks and wrapped his neck up in tan looking gauze. She put away the stitching equipment in the bag and brought out a stethoscope. She put the ear-buds in her ears and placed the flat, metal piece on Sebby's chest. After a moment of placing the metal piece on his chest in certain spots, she places the stethoscope around her neck. She sighed.
"What's wrong with him?" I asked. She looked at his arm that I bite to inject him with poison.

"Did you infect demon's poison in him?" She asked.

"Y-yes. Why?" I was getting scared now. "What's wrong?"

"Well, the demon poison is the only thing keeping him alive right now. You did kill him, but the poison is keeping his heart beating, which is giving his brain blood, but not enough. His heart is beating very low." Sarah answered. Tears ran down my cheeks.

"Can you fix him?" I questioned.

"I probably can, but it's a fifty percent chance he won't make it if his heart isn't completely infected with poison."

"Just do what ever you can." I blurted without thinking.

She nodded and took out three syringes from the medical bag. One was filled with a bright red liquid, one had blue, and one had deep purple liquid in it. "The red one is for his heart and to clean up his blood, the blue one is to wake up his organs and rise his temperature, and the purple one is to for his breathing and to wake him up." She explained. She picked up the red syringe first and injected the medicine into Sebastian's side. Sebastian's color came back a little as his heart started beating normal. Sarah then injected the blue syringe into him. I felt Sebastian's temperature rise and he looked healthy again, minus the bandages. She injected the last injection into his side. "Okay, stop pumping air into his lungs please." She told me. I let go of the air bag and she unhooked it from the breathing tube and put it back in the medical bag. She took the breathing tube out of Sebastian's throat; he gaged a little, but didn't wake up. "I'm going to take this stuff back and get him a shirt. If he wakes up, make sure he stays laying down okay Andy?" Sarah asked as she stood up and picked up the bag.

"Okay." I answered as she opened the door, went out, and shut the door behind her.

After a few silent minutes, Sebastian opened his eye's and looked around tiredly.

"Sebastian! Are you okay?" I said in a rush of excitement. He looked at me for a second and sighed.

"I think so. What happened?" He asked and tried to sit up.

"Sebby, stay down. The nurse will be back." I told him and pushed him back down gently. He laid back down and looked at his arm that was bruised up.

"What the fuck happened?" He asked. I guess he didn't remember getting attacked.

"You don't remember anything?" I asked a little worried.

"I remember this morning and afternoon and everything before that, just not last night. It's all blurry and dark." He answered and sighed. "Well, what ever happened, I don't wanna know."
The door opened again and Sarah walked in with a red, short-sleeve shirt.

"Good, your awake." She said sweetly and smiled. She helped Sebastian sit up and put his shirt on. Sebby laid back down and closed his eyes, rolled on his side, and went to sleep.

"Um, Sarah?" I asked shyly after a few minutes.


"Umm, can you explain to me why I attacked him?" I asked and stroked Sebastian shoulder.

"Well, you must have been very thirsty and it was your instinct to feed. We might have to quarantine you just to make sure it's that and not some sort of disease. We might have to do test on you to confirm its not and I might have to watch Sebastian too to make sure he didn't get some of it if you have a disease." She told me.

"Quarantine? I'm not leaving Sebastian alone." I told her.

"I'm sorry but we have to. He wont be alone. We'll move him into another cell with someone. We already have a cell for him to stay in." She told me and bent down to pat my shoulder. "Is it alright if I take some blood from you two to be tested?"

"Sure." I said depressingly.

After she took five tubes of blood from both of us and labeled them each, she left us alone.Sebastian woke up slowly.

"Andy?" He said weakly.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked and pulled him into my lap. He snuggled into my chest.

"I heard her say something about taking me into another cell with someone. Is that true?" He asked, scared.

"Sadly yes, but its for a good reason. They want to make sure I'm not infected with some disease. But I'll be watching you to make sure that person doesn't hurt you." I said and kissed his forehead. Sarah came back in the room. "Come on sweetie." She told Sebastian. He wrapped his arms around my chest and whimpered. "It's okay babe. She's not going to hurt you." I whispered in his ear. He looked at me and nodded. Sarah and I helped him up and walked to the door. Sebastian was a little dizzy, but could walk. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "He'll be fine Andy. I promise.." Sarah said and smiled. She walked Sebastian out the room and down the hallway. I stepped out the door. Sebastian looked back at me and waved good-bye. I waved back and sighed. "Are you Andy?" I heard a female voice say behind me.

"Yes." I said and turned around. It was another nurse. She was younger looking and had short blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Come with me please. I'm going to take you to a new cell and start testing you." She said and lead me down the opposite hallway Sebastian went down. I looked back and didn't see him. I sighed shakily and followed the nurse down the hallway.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww, Sebby and Andy are seperated!!!! D: BUT!!! here's a little hint. A new character is going to pop up in the next chapter.:D
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