Status: Updating will be slow, but I'll update.:)



I ran up to him and fell to my knees, afraid to touch him, for I might hurt him more. Blood was running from a deep bite wound from his side to the middle of his back. There were bruises and shallow cuts all over his arms. I finally had the nerve to pick up his slender arm and check for a pulse. I sighed. His pulse was beating, but it was faint. I put his arm down gently and brushed his black bangs out of his face. He was gorgeous, but pale from all the blood loss. I lifted his shirt to see where the blood was coming from and gasped. There was a deep wound that was pouring blood and black poison. I had to help him, but fist I had to get him to wake up.

I put his shirt down and shook him lightly. "Hey, wake up. Wake up." He sighed and opened his eyes and looked up at me with beautiful, scared, jade green eyes. "Don't hurt me. Please." His voice was a weak whisper. I noticed a little blood was dripping from his mouth. "I'm not. I'm going to get you somewhere safe, but I'm going to have to pick you up." He sighed and nodded slightly. I gently picked him up bridal style. He whimpered in pain. "I'm sorry." I whispered. Seeing him cry killed me. I walked him down the alley to the sidewalk and turned left to my house.


I kicked the door open and walked up the huge staircase. Mark got up and ran up to me, blocking my way. "What the hell are you doing bringing a human in here?"
I narrowed my eyes, knowing they turned black instead of blue. "He’s hurt so I'm helping him," I spat at him and walked passed him to find Madame Ellie.

Thank god this boy was asleep. He would have been screaming and crying the whole way here and might attract lone vampires. I walked in the open doorway and called Madame Ellie for help. She was our female demon nurse that helped us when we got hurt or sick. "Oh my lord, Andy what happened?" She rushed over to me, which for her age, was amazing. "I found him in the alley. I think he was attacked by an Onyx Demon. He got bitten and he needs to get poison out of him." I finished in a rush. I walked over to a metal examining table and placed him down. Blood was stained all over my shirt and arms, which brought the burning hunger back. "Andy, go get me some alcohol and stitches."

After Madame Ellie fixed the boy up, I took him up and placed him on my bed. We got the poison out and stitched him up. I changed my shirt and pants for pajamas and sat down on the bed, which shook him awake. "Hey, you feeling ok?" I stroked his black hair.
He sighed. "I think so. Who are you and where am I?" He tried to sit up, but sat back down after wincing.

"I'm Andy and you’re in my house." I smiled. He stared at me in horror. "I got to get back to my mom. She might be in trouble..." He tried to get up again, but I pushed him down.
"You can’t go anywhere. You’re hurt and God knows what might kill you." He stared at me for awhile. "Ok. Are there any more humans here? Maybe you can help my mom and the others stay alive."

I laughed and startled him. "You think I’m human?" I continued to laugh and he frowned and smacked my arm, shouting, "Hey!" I stopped laughing and smiled at his weak attempts to hurt me. "A-are you human?" He looked scared. I shook my head. "No, I'm not, but I'm not going to hurt you."I stroked his hair. "And your name is...?"

"Sebastian," He said.

"Well, Sebastian, I'm going to bed, and you probably should too. You'll need your strength tomorrow."

I got under the covers and turned over the lamp. "’Night," I yawned and held him in my arms. He snuggled into my shoulder and was instantly asleep. I drifted off to sleep after a few minutes, thinking what kind of hell I was going to get in the morning.
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Woot!! Chapter three!!!