Status: New and slow

Most Devastated Hearts Never Heal

Chapter 4: Fights and Faints

Chapter 4:

Eliana’s POV

Jacob’s rabbit came to a skidding halt on the gravel in front of a quaintly adorable home that looked no different than the others in the reservation. The difference with this small home was its location, it was located deep in the forest along a barely there dirt path threw the trees. Silently I stepped out of the car and stood still looking at the home. This was everything I used to have. I shook off the memories of our little pale yellow house, here on the reservation, and I shook away the memories of when I was happy. That was so long ago

“Come on Ellie” Jacob said his giant mass of an arm wrapping around my shoulders as he lead me towards the door. Silently I let him lead me to the door only trying to turn back to the car once we stood in front of the door. “No, no, Ellie I need you to meet everyone”

“Jake” I said softly “I don’t like new people” I said looking up at him wide eyed

He sighed tightening his grip on my shoulder slightly “I need you to know about the pack, and the pack needs to know about you” his voice was slightly tight like he was uncomfortable with forcing me

“Fine” I growled glaring at the cozy wood door. Jake sighed before swinging open the door and leading me into a spacious living, dinning, kitchen area room. It was bright and cozy the smell of food lingering threw the entire place. Five large men sat at the table stuffing their faces, while a pretty woman sat a little ways away eating at the bar, and another woman, with long scars down her face, bustled around the kitchen cooking more food.

“Guys this is Eliana” Jacob said shoving me towards the others as he followed close behind “Eliana this is Sam, my alpha, Seth, Embry, Quil, Jared, Leah, and Emily. Paul is late as usual” he said with a slight huff. Each person gave a slight wave at their name all eyes were fixed on me

“Do you need any help?” I finally muttered breaking the eerie silence as I gazed at Emily, the woman with the long scars marking her still beautiful face.

“That would be wonderful they always eat the food faster than I can make it” she smiled sincerely at me whipping her hands on a towel

I nodded and silently shook Jake off of me before walking into the kitchen area with Emily. I went to the stove and began flipping the pancakes like a pro. “She looks so sad” Quil’s voice said to Jake in a whisper, it barely reached my ears. At least he is slightly considerate? I though flipping a pancake.

“What’s wrong with her? Why is she so quiet?” Embry asked barely even masking his question his voice easily meeting my ears and his gaze ran up and down my back. I was tense the spatula tight in my hands as I flipped around glaring at Embry.

“I’m quiet, unlike you, because my mother was savagely killed by some sort of animal less then two weeks ago” I hissed stepping forward my hands slamming down on the counter, it was the only barrier between me and the inconsiderate boy. I swore I saw red as my gaze narrowed at the giant boy “Is that a good enough reason to be quiet?” I snapped viciously glaring down at the boy twice my size. Visibly he shook and nodded his head, gazing at me terrified with a mix of amazement. I growled softly before turning back to the stove my emotionless mask back in place.

“Are you sure she isn’t a shifter?” I heard the soft astonished voice of Leah ring threw the stunned silence.

“Positive” I said icily looking at her over my shoulder

She looked at me quizzically before smiling blindingly at me “I like you” she said still smiling

“Good” I said softly the frown melting from my face as it morphed back to indifferent.

“I told you to leave it be” I barely caught Jake’s voice whisper to Embry

“Emily” I muttered touching her scared arm.

“Yes?” she looked at me puzzled as I flipped a pancake, while not looking away form her eyes

“I’m sorry” I said softly my lips turning down in a slight frown

“Why?” she looked perfectly baffled her eyebrow pulled down over her not scared eye

“I disrespected you in your home. I shouldn’t have done that, and that’s why I’m sorry” I said softly my frown deepening as I looked down pouring a new pancake into the steaming skillet.

“You’re fine really he deserved it. Embry can’t ever keep his trap shut” She said her hand smoothing down over my braids as she let her arm settle around my shoulders “I’m terribly sorry for your loss. If you need to talk I’m here, but Leah she lost her father she would be best to talk to”

“Thanks Emily” Leah snapped half heartedly behind us “She is right though” Leah muttered poking at her eggs

“I’ll think about it” I sighed flipping the pancake absentmindedly

Suddenly the door slammed open making me jump the others just glared and began yelling as a giant looming form stepped into the room. “Yeah yeah I’m late get over it” the boy grumbled plopping down into a seat by Jacob at the table. “I’m starved smells great Em…” His voice trailed off when he caught my gaze

His deep brown eyes sank into my soul heating it thoroughly, as my heart began to race and my mind went blank. It was the boy, man, from the beach “You” I hissed sliding the pancake onto the plate

Paul’s POV:

I really wasn’t expecting the glare Eliana was shooting my way, especially not after last night. Suddenly Jared burst out laughing “This is the girl you imprinted on” he howled with laughter

“YOU IMPRINTED ON MY COUSIN!!!!!” Jakes voice screamed as his body shook and he glared down at me now standing

“What the hell is imprinting?” Eliana’s soft voice asked in pure confusion

“Shut up Ellie” Jake snapped glaring down at me

“Don’t talk to her that way” I growled bursting up out of my seat and getting right in the younger boy’s face. “Don’t ever talk to her that way again. Do you hear me, Black?” I growled grabbing his collar as I began to shake the tremors were extreme every nerve in my body seemed to vibrate

“Outside not in the house” Sam growled slamming his hands down on the table backing the dishes jump slightly only one glass fell though spilling OJ everywhere. Jacob and I didn’t move my hand still tight around his collar his fists still tight at his sides. “PAUL, JACOB, MOVE NOW OUTSIDE” Sam yelled in his Alpha voice

Jake and I glared at one another slowly making our way out the back yard and to the back yard that was bordered in thick forest trees.

Eliana’s POV:

“How could you imprint on my cousin?” I watched Jake’s arms shake as he glared at Paul who stood a foot away from him

“Cousin?” Paul asked looking between Jake and I “at least I won’t have to steal her from you like I originally thought” Paul said shooting me a smile

“Please” I said my voice cold and biting “I might have talked to you on the beach last night, but that doesn’t mean a thing”

Paul began shaking harder as he stared at me long and hard his face looking shattered and beyond hurt How could that have hurt his feeling?. I shrugged off the guilt and watched as Jake began to almost convulse as he growled “You saw her last night?”

“Yes on the beach I stopped patrolling to see why she was crying” Paul bit back shaking almost as badly as Jacob

“That’s it” Jacob growled and lunged at Paul, but before he could even touch him Jake’s body had snapped into a massive russet covered wolf. A stray scream ripped form my lips as Paul transformed into a massive gray wolf below Jake. They began to bite and claw and wrestle destroying several trees as the plunged into the refuge of the forest

“Eliana” I heard the distant ring of Leah’s voice in my ears. “Are you ok?” her hands slid down my arms, but her touch and voice seemed far off like we were underwater or something

“No” was all I whispered before the blackness crumpled into on me.

Paul’s POV:

Jacob’s jaws clamped down one my leg, but I quickly kicked him off landing a blow square in his chest. He shot into a tree snaping the thick tree in half as he went flying. I’m gonna kill you Jacob’s voice growled in my head as he circled around me

Bring it little boy bring it I growled back snarling he lunged and I took a swip sending him flying once more. This time instead of hitting the tree he bounced off of his shooting himself back as me the whole time he was snarling. He slammed into my chest his claws racking down my side. I howled in pian before scratching down his back leg and flipping him off of me.

STOP!! Sam’s voice echoed in our heads. Our muscles contracted haulting, but Jacob and I continued to snarl and growl at one another. You terrified her. She is passed out in my living room because you both shifted in front of her with no warning. You two are idiots. Now get back here and don’t make me turn that into and order Sam’s voice and thoughts disaeared and the moment they did Jake and I took off threw the trees back to Sam’s.

Eiana was the only thought in Jake’s head as we blurred threw the forest

My Eliana, my imprint That thought made me paws poud harder and faster into the ground prepelling me quicker than Jake threw the trees.
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Eliana's outfit