Status: New and slow

Most Devastated Hearts Never Heal

Chapter 6: Too Overwhelmed

Rosalie’s POV:

“We have company” Alice’s voice echoed threw the house as her light steps flitted to the door. I distantly heard the sound of tires crunching on the gravel driveway as I leisurely walked down the stairs and onto the porch with Alice and the others, excluding Bella, Edward, and Renesmee. The stench of wet dog assaulted my nose as Jacob’s tiny red rabbit appeared in the driveway a slight spray of gravel behind it. What was surprising was Eliana stepping out of the car, not Jacob.

“Hi Ana and yes” Alice said flitting over to the tear streaked girl. Alice’s thin arms quickly wrapped around her in a tight hug

“Yes what?” Emmett rumbled beside me looking utterly concerned for the young girl

“I wanted to stay here tonight” Eliana said in her cool voice as she shot Alice a strange look.

“Of course” I said stepping forward “You can take Edward’s old room.” I quickly wrapped my arm around her shoulders leading into her into the house.
Jacob’s POV:

“HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!?!” My dad yelled. He was furious with me, absolutely furious. My dad was normally so calm headed this was one of the few times in my life he was truly angry with me. “Find her make sure she is safe” he growled rolling into his room. I heard him mutter “She doesn’t just look like her mother she act like her too” before the door slammed shut

I sat stunned at the kitchen table for a few moments before shrugging out of my seat determined to make sure Eliana was safe not only for her, but for my dad too. She is the last piece of his sister I now fully understood why dad had so easily taken Eliana in, she reminded him of his lost sister, and she was family of course. The doors slammed behind me as I jogged down to the Clearwater house to check there first “Please let me find her” I prayed silently

Eliana’s POV:

I sobbed as a stray scream ripped threw my lips. Rose appeared on my bed her arms wrapping tightly around me as she began cooing in my ear it was 3 o’clock in the morning and I was experiencing my usual nightmares. Esme had woken me twice, Alice once and Rose this was her fourth time to consol my screams and sobs, even Emmett had ventured in once with a glass of cold water. “Hush” Rose’s stone fingers easily slid threw my hair as I cried into her shoulder. “What did you dream that could possibly terrify you like this?”

“Mommy dying… wolves” I hiccupped clutching her tightly as I heard a loud crash down stairs followed by two deep thundering growls.

“I’ll be back” kissing my head she stood up slowly form the bed almost hesitant to leave. She paused in the door just as Jacob’s screaming voice reached my ears “Do you want to see him?”

“No” I shook my head vigorously. “Tell him I’m fine and I will see him tomorrow around 2 when the moving trucks are supposed to arrive” I barely whispered my voice weak and emotionless as I settled back into the sweat damp and twisted sheets.

Jacob’s POV:

Rosalie breezed down the staircase that Emmet and Alice were viciously guarding me form “LET ME SEE HER!!!” I growled.

“She doesn’t want to see you” Rosalie snapped her hands in her hips as she glared down at me from the landing

“What?” my body slumped no longer in a fighting stance as I gazed at the dazzling blonde vampire.

Emmet and Alice stayed crouched ready fro me to try and dart up the stairs Emmett’s lips were even curled in a half snarl as he glared at me slumped figure. “I don’t know what you did” Rosalie set her hand on Emmett’s shoulder making him relax slightly “but she doesn’t want to see you. She has been screaming with nightmares all night. I think you should give her the space she needs she is perfectly safe here and she said she would be home around 2 tomorrow to meet the moving trucks at your home” Rosalie’s voice was the gentlest I had ever heard before as she looked down at me with a steady gaze. “Give her space she has lost so much, and know all of this supernatural stuff has been dumped on her. She needs time to let it sink in” Rosalie said her eyes narrowed slightly at me

“She will be fine while she’s here you will protect her right?” I asked hesitantly my eyes meeting Carlisle’s across the room

“Of course” Emmet growled as Rosalie rolled her eyes.

“Now leave you are messing with my sight” Alice huffed pointing to the door

“I’m going, I’m going. Just tell her I love her and don’t let the bed bugs bite” I muttered dejectedly leaving the house my head low as I walked towards the woods preparing to shift and head home.

Eliana’s POV:

I lay curled in a ball my eyes opened wide trying to resist the sleep that was so desperately pulling at me. I cold hand ran down my back as Rose’s so voice said “Jake wanted me to tell you he loves you and don’t let the bed bugs bite”

“and sleep tight” I breathed completing our goodnight ritual despite my missing cousin. “I’m scared” I breather looking out the large window the almost full moon hung suspended in the sky like a floating face staring down at me.

“What do you mean?” I felt Rose lay down behind my running her hands threw my tangled crazy curls as I gazed steadily out the window

“I’m scared to sleep. I don’t want to see the images anymore I don’t want to feel the pain, but it won’t go away” I cried softly fisting the blankets tightly in my hands

“Only time will heal these wounds” Rose said softly giving my body a tight squeeze before her fingers went back to rhythmically running threw my hair. Rose’s voice started to hum and then began to sing slowly lulling me into a dreamless slumber

Little one when you play

Don't you mind what you say

Let those eyes sparkle and shine

Never a tear, baby of mine.

If they knew sweet little you

They'd end up loving you too

All those same people who scold you

What they'd give just for

The chance to hold you.


My eye blinked open I could only hold onto strands of the dream I had had the night before. My mother was there, warning me of something but it was all so foggy I couldn’t understand, but I was very thankful for a semi-nightmare free night. Rose waltzed into the soon smiling happily “You’re up” she beamed

“Why are you so nice to me?” I asked looking at her my knees were dawn to my chest my shin resting there as I looked at her quizzically

“What do you mean?” She sighed sitting on the bed beside me the clothing she had been holding sat neatly by her hip

“You’re nice to me, but were never nice to Bella when she was human” I muttered quietly. Jacob had told me a bit about the dynamics of the Cullen family on our way home last night.

“Truthfully?” She said tucking a strand of my dark curly hair behind my ear.

“Truthfully” I whispered staring straight at her pretty face

“You are the daughter I never got to have. You have the hair, the eyes, the personality, the only thing is you are tanner than I would have imagined” She giggled “You’re the daughter I have waited over 80 years for” she smiled skimming her cold fingers over my cheek

“So you think of me as a child? Your child, the child you always wanted?” I asked perplexed

“Yes I do, but I would never ever try to replace your family it is just the way I view you. I can’t help but feel motherly love towards you” she smiled

“Thank you” I whispered my heart clinched and those forbidden emotions of trust, comfort, and love washed over me

“For what?” she asked smiling softly at me her fingers running gently threw my tangled hair

“For loving me” I whispered in her ear as I wrapped my arms tightly around her neck

“It is no problem Eliana” she gently rubbed my back her freezing hands felt good on my heated skin “No problem at all” she breathed.

I pulled back dabbing slightly at me eyes and asked “Mine?” while pointing to the stack of fabric by her hip

“Oh I forgot” she laughed “These are for you. Sorry it probably isn’t exactly your style, but it was the only thing we had that would fit your curves. As you can tell the Cullen women aren’t quite as blessed curve wise as you are. Also Alice was wondering if she could get you ready after your shower?” Rose asked smiling as she set the white cloth in my lap

“Of course she can” I whispered stiffly unfolding the beautiful white summer dress and the purple cheetah print cardigan “and this so used to be my style” I muttered holding up the over sized fabric to me body.

“It is supposed to be sunny today” Rose smiled brightly flitting out of the room to give me time to shower and change


I gaped at the girl staring back at me. Standing before the mirror I looked like my old self, the self before my mom died. My curves looked almost goddess like in the flowing white dress, my limbs looked delicate in the over sized cardigan that was a few inches shy of being the same length of the dress, and my face had the glow it had lost. The only thing that was different, I was thinner than I used to be. You wouldn’t be able to tell if you didn’t know me before, but my breasts and hips had shrunk slightly from lack of eating enough this last 12 days.

“You look beautiful” Alice whispered touching her hand to my back

“I look like myself” I said a semi smile tugging up my lips

“That’s good to hear” Rose’s voice sounded from the doorway. “Apparently you have had you family very worried these past couple of days”

“What?” I asked completely confused as I walked to Rose

“Billy and Jake have been very worried about you. First you tried to kill yourself by jumping off that cliff your fist day here, plus you have been sneaking out, and then you ran away. Nearly gave poor Billy a heart attack. I heard him call Carlisle late last night asking if you were ok and is he would keep an eye on you while you stayed with us. Billy understood that everything is hard and this is so much for you to take in so he is giving you your space. You get to stay here as long as you would like.” Rose smiled telling me all this as we descended the stairs, our arms looped tightly together, and walked into the busy kitchen.

“I didn’t think they wanted me around” I muttered squeezing her arm slightly as my senses were assaulted by the smell of eggs and bacon.

“Of course they do” Emmett chuckled ruffling my loose hair as he walked into the kitchen. “It is impossible not to love you” he smiled dimples included as he kissed Rose gently on the lips

“ELLIE!!!!” Came the shrill excited yell of Nessie as she sprinted up from the kitchen table and towards me. Edward lazily grabbed her glass to keep it from dump milk all over the counter. The little girl pressed her hand to mine and I heard Mommy is making me eat normal food today while she showed me flashed of ‘yucky’ faces and this morning’s breakfast

“Don’t you like normal food?” I asked gently letting her lead me to the table

She shrugged sending me a picture of her sippie as she yanked me into the seat next to her. “Careful Renesmee you can hurt Eliana” Bella chastised narrowing her eyes at the beautiful four year-old

“Sorry” she said looking up at me under her eyelashes

“She is fine it didn’t hurt a bit. I’m very durable” I smiled softly at the little girl running my finger threw her hair.

“Are you going to be staying with us long?” Alice asked randomly flitting in to place a plate in front of me before sitting on the table next to it.

“Alice” Bella and Rose cried looking at the pretty pixie bewildered

“It was only a question?” she said blinking softly

I smiled gently at her before saying “I wouldn’t want to be a bother”

“None sense we love having you in our home” Esme said her hands smoothing threw my unruly curls before she bent to kiss Nessie’s hair

“Could i…” I trailed off looking down at my eggs, bacon and fruit. Suddenly I wasn’t very hungry any more

“Could you what?” Everyone seemed startle that it was Jasper who spoke

“Could I stay till school starts up next week. I just need to be away form the madness I feel like I can think while I’m here. No pun intended” I said throwing a slight smirk at Edward

“You can stay here as long as you would like” Carlisle said setting down his paper “I’m leaving for work” was all he said before he disappeared. I blinked for a moment, stunned that he had disappeared

“There is a problem” I said biting my nails slightly only to have Alice slap my hand her eyes chastising me

“The problem?” Rose said I looked at every face overwhelmed slightly be the numbers, and by the sheer beauty of the people around me

“Alejandro” I said softly tugging on a curl of my dark hair

“Who?” Emmett said gruffly looking strangely like an enraged father

“Al he is my puppy he is supposed to come today” I said softly “He is only half house trained” I smiled shyly still tugging on my hair

“Puppy!!!” Nessie squealed bouncing in her seat

“Well then we will help you house train him” Esme said sweetly gathering my barely eaten breakfast and patting my head gently
Looks like I’ll be staying for a while
♠ ♠ ♠
Last chapter was kinda short, but i really like this one!!! Comment please i don't have ANY!!!!! :(

Eliana's Outfit